aws ec2 create-vpc \ --region$Region\ --cidr-block${vpc_cidr}\ --tag-specifications"ResourceType=vpc,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=${vpc_name}}]"\ |tee/tmp/vpc.log #get id VpcId=$(jq -r".Vpc.VpcId"/tmp/vpc.log) OwnerId=$(jq -r".Vpc.OwnerId"/tmp/vpc.log) #在a区创建私有子网...
AWS CLI commands for AWS Transfer Family SDKs & Tools Did this page help you? Yes No Provide feedback Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a network protocol used for secure transfer of data over the internet. The protocol supports the full security and authentication functio...
1、本次通过AWS CLI方式配置VPC对等连接,需要提前在IAM中建立ec2的用户策略,并在实例上通过aws configure配置用户的access key和Secret access key。本次测试的是同一个账户下跨region的vpc对等连接,两个region分别是孟买(ap-south-1)和新加坡(ap-southeast-1),对等连接的请求方是孟买,接受方是新加坡 2、分别在两...
Create a server endpoint accessible in your VPC only Create an internet-facing endpoint Change the endpoint type Discontinuing the use of VPC_ENDPOINT Related resources AWS Transfer Family API Reference AWS CLI commands for AWS Transfer Family SDKs & Tools Recommended tasks Integrate identity provider...
#IGW解除绑定VPC aws ec2 detach-internet-gateway --internet-gateway-id $InternetGatewayId --vpc-id $VPC_ID #创建igw路由表 igwRouteTableId=`aws ec2 create-route-table --vpc-id$VPC_ID|jq -r .RouteTable.RouteTableId` #创建IGWnameTAG ...
1.通过console或者aws cli执行部署的Runbook: 示例指令:aws ssm start-automation-execution –document-name “RunShellAutomation” –document-version “\$DEFAULT” –parameters ‘{“AutomationAssumeRole”:[“”],”commands”:[“<要执行的shell指令>”]}’–target-parameter-name InstanceId –targe...
────────────────────────────────┴────────┴────────╯ [api-gw][cloudfoxable] For context and next steps: [🦊 cloudfox v1.13.2 🦊 ][cloudfoxable] Cached AWS ...
CLI tool and library to concurrently execute user-defined commands across AWS accounts or Azure subscriptions. Note As of release 3.0.0, installation has changed with the introduction of optional dependencies. Previously, pip install awsrun would install all dependencies needed for awsrun, azurerun,...
集群允许您将多个 Threat Defense Virtual 作为单一逻辑设备组合到一起。集群具有单个设备的全部便捷性(管理、集成到一个网络中),同时还能实现吞吐量增加和多个设备的冗余性。 目前仅支持路由防火墙模式。 注 使用集群时,有些功能不受支持。请参阅。 关于AWS 上的 Threat Defense Virtual 集群 ...
这大大增加了灵活性,使您能够跟上组织和架构的变化,比如简化现有堆栈的资源生命周期管理、遵循命名约定的更改等情况。您可以使用AWS 命令行界面(CLI)或AWS SDK对堆栈进行重构。 AWS Config 现在支持 4 种新的版本类型—AWS Config非常适合监控 AWS 环境中的资源,并且可以帮助您确保符...