AWS CLI 使用 Bash 脚本 DynamoDB Amazon EC2 HealthImaging IAM Amazon S3 AWS STS SDK对于 C++ ACM API网关 Aurora Auto Scaling CloudTrail CloudWatch CloudWatch 日志 CodeBuild Amazon Cognito 身份提供者 DynamoDB Amazon EC2 EventBridge AWS Glue HealthImaging IAM AWS IoT AWS IoT data Lambda MediaConvert ...
aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-names "${IMAGE}" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then aws ecr create-repository --repository-name "${IMAGE}" > /dev/null fi # Get the login command from ECR and execute it directly aws ecr get-login-password --region "${REGION}"...
If you’re using the AWS CLI, you can use a simpler get-login command which retrieves the token, decodes it, and converts into a docker login command for you. An example for the default registry associated with the account is shown below: $ aws ecr get-login docker login –...
Commandecr Summary List the most recently pushed image from all repositories. Introduced v1.6.0 Author Bishop Fox Background ECR is a container image registry, like DockerHub. An organization can use ECR to host public public images, but most organizations use it mainly for private images that ...
You can have multiple stacks in a cdk app. An example can be found inhow to create multiple stacks. In order to deploy them, you can list the stacks you want to deploy. If your application contains pipeline stacks, thecdk listcommand will show stack names as paths, showing where they ...
(aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-name ${SRVC_NAME} --query 'repositories[0].repositoryUri' --output text)":"$(aws ecr describe-images --output text --repository-name $SRVC_NAME --query 'sort_by(imageDetails,& imagePushedAt)[-1].imageTags[0]')" # the order of build ...
(Feature) Add an AWS Explorer ECR node (Bug Fix) Significantly speed up loading the list of S3 buckets (#2174)1.20 (2020-10-22)(Feature) Add support for + in AWS profile names (Bug Fix) Fix being unable to use a SSO profile in a credential chain (Bug Fix) Fix Aurora MySQL 5.7 ...
(Feature) Add Job Id to Code Transform Job History (Bug Fix) Amazon Q Transform: Always execute IDE bundled maven whenever maven command fails (Bug Fix) Improved recursion when validating projects for Q Code Transform. (Bug Fix) CodeWhisperer: fix code scan UI of viewing scanned files not ...