If you change Regions, different storage and files are accessible. Important If CloudShell isn't available in the selected Region when you launch CloudShell on the Console Toolbar, on the lower left of the console, then the default Region is set to a Region that's closest to the selected...
│ Error: error getting S3 bucket ACL (terraform,private): BucketRegionError: incorrect region, the bucket is not in 'ca-central-1' region at endpoint '', bucket is in 'us-east-1' region │ status code: 301, request id: [REDACTED], host id: [REDACTED] │ │ ╵ I’m attaching ...
aws iotsecuretunneling rotate-tunnel-access-token \ --tunnel-id<tunnel-id>\ --client-modeDESTINATION\ --destination-config thingName=<RemoteThing1>,services=SSH \ --region<region> Running this command generates the new access token as shown in the following example. The token is then delivered...
AWS Access Key ID [None]: <enter access key id> AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <enter secret access key> Default region name [None]: us-west-2 Default output format [None]: json # (In Cloud9, select “Cancel” and “Permanently disable” whe...
REGION_NAME="[YOUR REGION]" Copy TOPIC="AWSKafkaTutorialTopic" Copy d. The following commands refer to the variables configured in the previous step, and use AWS CLI and cluster ARN to fetch the ZooKeeper string and save it as a variable to ZOOKEEPER_STRING. ZOOKEEPER_STRING=$(aws kaf...
Example 10: AWS CLI profile creation # aws configure AWS Access Key ID [None]: AWS Secret Access Key [None]: Default region name [None]: region-name Default output format [None]: # aws configure --profile cluster AWS Access Key ID [None]: AWS Secret Access Key [None]: Default regio...
AWS 代码管道也可以通过 AWS CLI、AWS SDKs 和其他基础设施作为代码工具来创建。 因为管道将代表您执行操作,所以它需要一个 service IAM 角色来定义管道在 AWS 帐户中拥有的权限。在 AWS 管理控制台上创建管道时,可以为您创建所需的 IAM 角色,或者您可以选择现有的 IAM 角色,如图 3-17 所示。
You can change the retention period through the console or CLI. For details, click here. Restrictions on usage General To ensure data consistency, do not perform operations (including but not limited to DDL and DML operations) on the destination database during the synchronization. During ...
This resulted in a change to the value of kubelet's ReadOnlyPort, from the default of--read-only-port 10255to the default ofreadOnlyPort: 0. So in updating from amazon-eks-ami v25 to v20190109, our kubelet ReadOnlyPort was disabled. ...
MFA-Delete currently can only be enabled using the CLI *Note:Bucket Policies are evaluated before "default encryption" S3 Replication (CRR & SRR) Must enable versioningin source and destination Cross Region Replication (CRR) Same Region Replication (SRR) ...