Do you want to become an AWS Certified Developer Associate? Are you ready to get started on the amazing journey to get the prized AWS Certification? WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING 5 STARS - He is my most favorite teacher in Udemy 5 STARS - You are a really amazing master. 5 STARS - The cou...
Do you want to be an AWS Certified Developer Associate? Pass the exam on first attempt. Masterclass with Practice Exams.
Udemy上的Stephane Maarek的视频课《Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2022》。虽然大家评价很高,但对我来说有点无聊,视频真的很长,即使2倍速看也要花不少时间。 Udemy的6套模拟题《Practice Exams》。这些题目适合巩固视频课的知识点,我刷了三遍,第一遍基本只能得50多分。 Tutorialsdojo的AWSCertifiedDev...
AWS提供了几种认证考试,包括Solution Architect - Associate和SysOps Administer - Associate。我因为主要做软件开发,所以选择了适合开发人员的Certified Developer Associate考试。这个考试主要考察对AWS服务的基础理解,以及如何使用AWS的各种服务进行代码部署。 为什么参加这个考试?我目前的工作产品都建在AWS上,但我对AWS的了...
4月21号,在Udemy上买了课程——Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2020(,当天就报名考试,定下了考试日期为8月4号。6月1号,我把课程学完,觉得没必要再等2个月去考,于是就把考试时间提前到7月1号。
Udemy上Stephane Maarek法国小哥的AWS对应证书课程 (最推荐) Stephane Maarek的课我买了AWS Certified Developer Associate和AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate。 是我唯一完整跟下来的课程。 Stephane Maarek课程封面 这门课非常新手友好。从最基本的概念出发,连IP地址、子网掩码这些概念都会涉及。有相关经验的人...
Udemy模拟题:(付费) AWS Certified Developer Associate [4 Practice Exam Tests] 四、视频课程 Udemy课程(付费): Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2020 - NEW! Guru课程(付费): AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020 LinuxAcademy(付费): Course: AWS Certified Developer - Associate Level | Linu...
Udemy - Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2025 part1共计100条视频,包括:1. Course Introduction - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate、3. Creating an AWS Account、5. Important Message等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
aws-certified-developer-associate AWS Certified Developer Associate - Tutorial by Stephane Maarek (Udemy)5. AWS Budget SetupBilling dashboard -> Budgets -> Create budget -> Cost budget -> Name: Learning AWS Budgeted amount: $20 Configure thresholds Set email Confirm -> Create11...
2024年1月27日:AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate(SAA-C03),成绩780+ 2024年3月29日:AWS Certified Developer - Associate(DVA-C02),成绩800+🎯【考试报名技巧】 利用网上找到的半价优惠码,第一次报名考试只需75美元。考试后,AWS会提供新的半价优惠码用于下次考试。留意Cloud for her活动,女性有机...