@aws-cdk/alexa-ask¹ @aws-cdk/app-delivery @aws-cdk/assertions @aws-cdk/assets @aws-cdk/aws-accessanalyzer¹ @aws-cdk/aws-acmpca @aws-cdk/aws-amazonmq¹ @aws-cdk/aws-amplify @aws-cdk/aws-amplifyuibuilder¹ @aws-cdk/aws-apigateway ...
Welcome to AWS WAF Anomaly Detection CDK project! This is an aws-sample project to present AWS WAF Anomaly Detection using Amazon Cloudwatch for Metrics. The cdk.json file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute your app. This project is set up like a standard Python project. The initialization...
@aws-cdk/aws-apigatewayv2-integrations @aws-cdk/aws-appconfig¹ @aws-cdk/aws-appflow¹ @aws-cdk/aws-appintegrations¹ @aws-cdk/aws-applicationautoscaling @aws-cdk/aws-applicationinsights¹ @aws-cdk/aws-appmesh @aws-cdk/aws-apprunner ...
The AWS CDK is an open-source software development framework from AWS Which help you model & provision AWS cloud resources using your favourite programming language.
cd aws-waf-dashboards Run the cdk commands to deploy the infrastructure. The first time you deploy an AWS CDK app into an environment (account and AWS Region), you’ll need to install abootstrap stack. This stack includes resources that are needed for the toolkit’s operation. For exampl...
For example: moodle.example.com. c. Configure the app-config/moodleImageUri with the Moodle container image URI that you’ve pushed prior to deployment steps, for example [your-aws-account-id].dkr.ecr.[your-region].amazonaws.com/moodle-image:latest. 2. Go to the AWS CDK app directory ...
"aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": {"logDestinationConfigs": [ {"Fn::GetAtt": [ {"Ref":"awsWafLogs58D3FD01"},"Arn"] } ],"resourceArn": {"Fn::GetAtt": ["webACL","Arn"] } } },"constructInfo": {"fqn":"aws-cdk-lib.aws_wafv2.CfnLoggingConfiguration","version":"2.37.1"} }...
WAF - A web application firewall service that monitors and manages CloudFront distributions.Internet of Things ServiceIoT - Enables secure, bi-directional communication between internet-connected things (such as sensors, actuators, embedded devices, or smart appliances) and the AWS cloud over MQTT and...
Part 1 will discuss multi-tenant architecture for two AWS services: API Gateway and AppSync. Throughout the article, I refer to the code from the sample application app built for this article in Typescript and AWS CDK:https://github.com/filletofish/aws-cdk-multi-te...
No one can be an expert on everything on a single cloud, let alone all three of thepublic cloudservice providers that operate at this scale. Even trying to compare what's available in each cloud can quickly get convoluted since naming conventions vary by vendor and service. F...