打开Step Functions 控制台,然后选择您使用 AWS CDK 创建的状态机的名称。 在状态机页面,选择启动执行。 随即显示启动执行对话框。 (可选)输入自定义执行名称,以便覆盖生成的默认执行名称。 非ASCII 名称和日志记录 Step Functions 对于状态机、执行、活动和标签接受包含非 ASCII 字符的名称。由于此类字符不适用于 ...
Tutorials for learning Step Functions For an introduction to Step Functions, see Getting started tutorial. For specific scenarios, see the following tutorials: Create a Step Functions state machine using AWS SAM Using AWS CloudFormation to create a workflow in Step Functions Using AWS CDK to create...
AWS CDK部署(参考代码) 上游账号A import{Construct,Stack,StackProps}from'@aws-cdk/core'import{PolicyDocument,PolicyStatement,Role,ServicePrincipal}from'@aws-cdk/aws-iam'import{JsonPath,StateMachine,Succeed,TaskInput}from"@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions";import{AuthType,CallApiGatewayRestApiEn...
现在,借助Step FunctionsAWS 开发工具包服务集成,开发人员可以将状态机直接集成到支持AWS 开发工具包的 AWS 服务。 您可以通过Amazon States Language (ASL)、AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)或可视化的AWS Step Function Workflow Studio创建使用 AWS 开发工具包服务集成的状态机。要开始使...
AWS Step Functions with CDKFor AWS Step Functions, the AWS Cloud Development Kit offers a few helper functions to easily configure individual steps.First, the State Machine invokes an AWS Lambda function to create a random string. The next step waits for a second. Aftward the second function ...
Usage of output in a CDK stack constfn=newlambda.Function(this,"fn",{handler:"index.handler",code:lambda.Code.fromInline(`exports.handler = \${handler.toString()}`),runtime:lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_LATEST});newcdk.CfnOutput(this,'FunctionArn',{value:fn.functionArn,}); ...
{"context": {"@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks:enableEmrServicePolicyV2":true} } @aws-cdk/core:includePrefixInUniqueNameGeneration Enable this feature flag to include the stack's prefixes to the name generation process. Not doing so can cause the name of stack to exceed 128 characters: ...
aws-cdk/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-stepfunctions-tasks/lib/lambda/invoke.ts Lines 146 to 165 in bbdd42c protected _renderTask(): any { if (this.props.payloadResponseOnly) { return { Resource: this.props.lambdaFunction.functionArn, ...this.props.payload && { Parameters: sfn.FieldU...
id. No other CDK Step Function construct works this way, where if the input is not specified then the input is entirely erased and it is very confusing when you activateassociateWithParentand suddenly your input is erased and replaced with a token you would expect to appear alongside your ...
在CDK中指定一个阶段作为上下文参数,部署一个独立管道。经常用到的有dev, prod,… 3. 并行编排 Step Function 任务 为了加速数据管道,您可能希望并行运行任务。DataJob可以帮助你执行此操作!我借用了 Airflow 的概念,您可以使用运算符>> 协调不同的任务。