I'm trying to break#13997into its component issues. An issue which I was able to reproduce: when launching on t2.micros, after a little less than 24 hours, the master stopped responding tokubectl get nodes. I was also unable to SSH in to the instance. When I rebooted the master inst...
If a target node fails while the GWLB routes traffic using certain protocols such as SSH, SCP, CURL, and so on, then there may be a delay in redirecting traffic to a healthy target. This delay is due to rebalancing and rerouting of traffic flow. In AWS, you ...
I have anec2instance &containerdas the container runtime inside a private subnet (which has outbound internet access) inap-south-1. I have intialized a new cluster withkubeadm initon this master node. It ran successfully. I then wanted to installamazon-vpc-cnias the network manager for my k...
If the commandzypper patchwas not run on the instance, an error will be encountered stating the instance cannot deregister the unsupported repositories usingSUSEConnect. To resolve the issue thezypper patchcommand will need to be run. After the modules are removed, re-runzypper migration...
Step 1 Connect to your SDC host using SSH or the hypervisor console. Step 2 Check the version of your Docker service by running this command: docker version Step 3 If you are running one of the latest virtual machines (VMs) you should see output like this: > doc...
The VPC that's associated with the instance isn't set to the correct settings for AWS Cloud9. The instance is transitioning between states or is failing automated status checks when AWS Cloud9 is trying to connect to the instance. If the environment is an SSH environment, the associated clou...
In this section, we create an EC2 instance and install the psql command line tool, which we use later to create our PostgreSQL tables and run our SQL queries. On the Amazon EC2 console,create an SSH keypairnamed, for example,my-ec2-keypair. ...
The EB CLI cannot find your SSH key file for keyname Solution: Use the EB CLI to specify which key pair to use or to create a key pair for your deployment’s EC2 instances. To resolve the error, run eb init -i and one of the options will ask: ...
Commands to SSH into EC2 Instance: Next, let’s get to actually logging into your EC2 instance. To do so, you’ll have to open Terminal (on a Mac), or a SSH client like Putty (if on PC). Then, use the command below based on the type of instance you have. Pay attention to the...
5. SSH Authentication 6. Login Connect Aws ec2 Linux or Windows instance via SSH using puttyWhen you create an ec2 Instance, it asks you to create and download a PEM key file on your system. So, I am assuming you already have the Private .pem key file of your instance and if not ...