AWS Backup is a fully managed backup service that makes it easy to centralize and automate the back up of data across AWS services in the cloud as well as on premises using the AWS Storage Gateway. Using AWS Backup, you can centrally configure backup policies and monitor backup activity for...
选择一个 AWS Key Management Service (KMS) 密钥。您可以使用现有的密钥,或者选择默认的 AWS Backup 主密钥。2.2.1 — 创建备份保管库(续) 可选择添加标签,以帮助搜索和识别备份保管库。 2.2 — 创建备份保管库(续) 选择现有的备份保管库或创建新的备份保管库后,返回 Create on-demand backup(创建...
このプロセスの完了時に AWS Backup デフォルトがまだ存在しない場合、 AWS Backup は必要なアクセス許可で自動的に作成します。復元テスト用に選択したIAMロールには、 にあるアクセス許可が含まれている必要があります。 AWSBackupServicePolicyForRestores. クリーンアップ前の保持期間: 復元テ...
而在恢复阶段,只需要对灾备环境扩容(包括水平扩容和垂直扩容)和切换DNS(手工的或者利用智能DNS自动的)即可: 1.4.4 Multi-Site Solution Deployed on AWS and On-Site 本地和AWS上active-active部署 (通常也称为 Hot Standy) 准备阶段: 做法是在AWS上建立一套环境复制你的本地环境 考虑数据同步方式,是异步的还...
要还原 Amazon RDS 连续备份,您必须向为还原任务提交的 IAM 角色添加权限 rds:RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime。您可以使用 AWS Backup default service role 执行备份和还原。 要描述可用于时间点故障恢复的时间范围,AWS Backup 将调用 rds:DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackups。在 AWS Backup 控制台中,您必须拥有 AWS...
AWS Fargate 无需直接管理服务器或集群的容器部署管理服务 Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) AWS云上托管的 Kubernete 容器服务 Amazon SageMaker 方便的帮你建立、训练和部署机器学习模型 新硬件 AWS DeepLens (深镜) 世上首款为开发者提供的内置深度学习能力的智能摄像头 ...
Amazon Web Services disaster recovery plan can be chosen between four options:backup and restore, pilot light, warm standby and hot standby. Backup & Restore Tape libraries or on-premises storage are traditional storage solutions, that are not effective anymore.The International Data Corporationhas es...
Which AWS service should be used for long-term, low-cost storage of data backups? A. Amazon RDS B. Amazon Glacier C. AWS Snowball D. AWS EBS Correct Answer: B Explanation - Amazon S3 Glacier is a secure, durable, and low-cost storage class of S3 for data archiving and long-term ba...
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Private Certificate Authority (CA) is a managed private CA service that helps you easily and securely manage the lifecycle of your private certificates. ACM Private CA provides you a highly-available private CA service without the upfront investment and ongoing maintenan...
Amazon Web Services owns and maintains the network-connected hardware required for these application services, while you provision and use what you need via a web application. 2.1. You've been using some Cloud services Gmail E-mail cloud service Pay for ONLY your emails stored (no infrastructur...