3.1 Superset中可以指定不同的数据源,通过 Sources-> Databases添加Athena为数据源。 部署Superset的EC2附加的IAM角色需要有 Athena查询和Glue Catalog的权限,为方便起见可以赋予AthenaFullAccess和GlueFullAccess。但实际情况请按照最小权限原则来保障安全。 Athena连接URL: awsathena+rest://@athena.cn-n...
打开Athena 控制台。 按照Athena 文档中的说明创建数据库。 从“数据库” 菜单中,选择您创建的数据库。 在查询编辑器中,输入如下CREATE VIEW语句: CREATEORREPLACEVIEWfinancial_json_viewASSELECTsymbol, financials[1].reportdate one_report_date,-- indexes start with 1financi...
亲自聆听 AWS 专家和思想领袖对生成式人工智能数据、云运维、网络和内容分发、Amazon Q 企业版以及迁移和现代化等重要主题的深入探讨。 了解所有会议 re:Invent 博客 查看re:Invent 2024 的更多热门公告 机器学习 隆重推出 Amazon SageMaker HyperPod 配方
SYNTAX_ERROR: line 1:57: Table awsdatacatalog.hudi_athena_test.hudi_trips_snapshot does not exist 根据官方文档,Athena支持查询Hudi数据集的Read-Optimized视图,同时,我们可以通过Athena来创建视图并进行查询,使用Athena在Hudi表上创建一个视图 $ athenareader -q "create view fare_greater_than_40 as sel...
Apache Hudi + AWS S3 + Athena实践 Apache Hudi在阿里巴巴集团、EMIS Health,LinkNovate,Tathastu.AI,腾讯,Uber内使用,并且由Amazon AWS EMR和Google云平台支持,最近Amazon Athena支持了在Amazon S3上查询Apache Hudi数据集的能力,本博客将测试Athena查询S3上Hudi格式数据集。
For more information, see Creating a Table for CloudTrail Logs in the CloudTrail Console in the Amazon Athena User Guide. Add custom tags (key-value pairs) to the trail. To create another trail, open the Trails page, and choose Create trail. View related pages Abstracts generate...
All AWS X-Ray traces are exported to Amazon s3. An Amazon Glue Crawler provides an Amazon Athena tablebatch_FFmpeg_xrayand Amazon Athena viewbatch_FFmpeg_xray_subsegment. You could then create dashboards with Amazon Quicksight like this one : ...
dbcli/athenacli 🔥 - a CLI tool for AWS Athena service that can do auto-completion and syntax highlighting. donnemartin/saws 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 - A Supercharged AWS Command Line Interface. timkay/aws 🔥🔥 - Easy command line access to Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, ELB, and SDB. wallix/aw...
Amazon Athena Perform SQL-like query on data stored in S3. Athena is a serverless query service, and only pay for the data that consumed Suitable use case is for occasional/ad-hoc query (no need to build infrastructual) Athena like Hive on Hadoop Amazon Athena can use to analyze the dat...
It’s worth noting that Amazon QuickSight can connect straight to Athena and create spectacular images of your data stored on S3. Alternatively, you can migrate your data to Redshift, an MPP Data warehouse for quick data analysis, and then use QuickSight to view your data from Redshift....