aws iam create-policy \ --policy-name AmazonEKS_EFS_CSI_Driver_Policy \ --policy-document file://iam-policy-example.json 说明: policy-name:我们自定义的 policy 名称 policy-document:指定本地 policy 文件 创建完成 创建IAM Role IAM Role 中包括 IAM policy 和 trust relationship 两部分,我们用...
首先在 AWS 控制台创建一个 IAM 角色,设置该角色所需要的权限策略。例如,创建名为 "AssumeRolePolicy" 的权限策略,并绑定到角色上。 ### 步骤 2:使用 AWS CLI 执行 "aws sts assume-role" 命令获取临时凭证 使用AWS CLI 执行 "aws sts assume-role" 命令,参数包括所需的角色、角色会话名称等信息,可获取安...
Here you should enter the account id of the trusted account. For example, If you want to create a role for another account A to access your resource, then you should enter the account id of A. Then, attach the policy "AmazonEC2FullAccess" to the role because we want the IAM users to...
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzCXV 4.- 再用命令 aws sts get-caller-identity 验证一下当年用户,即可见已经使用role了 取消assume role unset AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
Trust policies define which entities can assume the role. You can associate only one trust policy with a role. For an example of a policy that can be used to assume a role, see Template Examples. For more information about the elements that you can use in an IAM policy, see IAM Policy...
Updates the policy that grants an IAM entity permission to assume a role. This is typically referred to as the "role trust policy". For more information about roles, see Using roles to delegate permissions and federate identities .
Here are example AWS CLI commands: aws iam create-role --role-name IAMAdmin --path /iam/ --assume-role-policy-document file://assume.json (where assume.json is the trust policy JSON document) aws iam put-role-policy --role-name IAMAdmin --policy-name ...
一、引入composer "aws/aws-sdk-php": "^3.137", "league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3": "^1.0" 二...
我们想象这么一个IoT应用场景:厂商A使用AWS IoT来开发物联网解决方案,那么A把设备卖给用户的时候,需要...
This basically works, asks to provide the MFA token and assume role succeeds but how do I use these credentials to create service clients etc since cfg was created with the local cli profile, and I want to use the temporary credentials to make the service calls. ...