2. 在gitlab-runner上配置aws IAM user的credential,然后在pipeline中执行脚本来assume role 以下三个命令实现“从assume role命令的返回值中提取各个字段的方法”,这是在pipeline中实现assume role的关键。 - aws sts assume-role --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::284411369985:role/grand-world-development-role" --ro...
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzCXV 4.- 再用命令 aws sts get-caller-identity 验证一下当年用户,即可见已经使用role了 取消assume role unset AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
例如,创建名为 "AssumeRolePolicy" 的权限策略,并绑定到角色上。 ### 步骤 2:使用 AWS CLI 执行 "aws sts assume-role" 命令获取临时凭证 使用AWS CLI 执行 "aws sts assume-role" 命令,参数包括所需的角色、角色会话名称等信息,可获取安全地使用 AWS 资源所需的临时凭证。 ```bash aws sts assume-role ...
Command line options– Overrides settings in any other location, such as the--region,--output, and--profileparameters. Environment variables– You can store values in your system's environment variables. Assume role– Assume the permissions of an IAM role through configuration or theassume-rolecom...
一、引入composer "aws/aws-sdk-php": "^3.137", "league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3": "^1.0" 二...
我们想象这么一个IoT应用场景:厂商A使用AWS IoT来开发物联网解决方案,那么A把设备卖给用户的时候,需要...
使用Web 身份代入角色– 通过配置或assume-role-with-web-identity命令使用 Web 身份代入 IAM 角色的权限。 凭证文件– 在运行命令aws configure时,将更新credentials和config文件。credentials文件位于~/.aws/credentials(在 Linux 或 macOS 上)或C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\credentials(在 Windows 上)。
Console>aws glue create-job --name "aws_glue_test" --role "My_Role" --command "Name=glueetlpythonshell,ScriptLocation=s3://mys3bucket/jobs/aws_glue_test.py,PythonVersion=3" An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the CreateJob operation: User: arn:aws:iam::1111:user/My...
AWS CLI Assume Role The OneLogin + Amazon Web Services (AWS) CLI client lets you securely obtain temporary AWS access credentials via an easy to use command line interface. This is really useful for customers that run complex environments with multiple AWS accounts, roles and many different ...
❯ cloudfox aws --profile cf-exec -v2 iam-simulator [🦊 cloudfox v1.6.0 🦊 ] AWS Caller Identity: arn:aws:sts::049881439828:assumed-role/CloudFox-exec-role/aws-go-sdk-1662942906111954000 [iam-simulator] Running multiple iam-simulator queries for account 049881439828. (This command can ...