通过Keycloak结合OAuth2.0协议进行AWS API Gateway鉴权 by AWS Team on 29 6月 2022 in Security, Identity, & Compliance Permalink Share 本文介绍了如何通过Keycloak,并结合AWS API Gateway内置的授权功能,完成对AWS资源请求的鉴权过程。API Gateway帮助开发者安全的的创建、发布、维护并管理API的访问。在中国区,...
AWS Cognito User Pool -> Keycloak 问题描述 我们的项目深度依赖Cognito user pool, Cognito user pool和APIGateway集成, 做用户身份验证和授权,遗憾的是这个服务在中国区不可用。 解决方案 我们找到一个非常强大的做用户管理和身份验证的开源项目:Keycloak 经过实践,完美解决:用lambda写一个customize authorizer和APIGa...
( 2 ) 在通过 OAuth 单点登陆方式部署 Apache Airflow 集群前,需要有一个已经完成ICP备案的域名和提供 OAuth 认证集成的OAuth Provider(例如, Amazon Cognito, Keycloak, Openshift, Okta, Google, Azure 等等) 。 总结 对于需要在 AWS 上使用 Apache Airflow 但是 无法使用 AWS 托管...
注意到这个解决方案并不绑定于某些特定的第三方服务,使用 Auth0 或开源的 Keycloak 等其他认证服务或方案也是可行的。 通过官方文档可以详细了解 AWS Connected Vehicle Solution的架构设计和和在AWS海外区域的部署方法。在这个项目里我们会提供该方案在AWS国内区域部署的架构和方法,同时提供一个托管在Amazon S3上的静态...
Grant my Active Directory users access to the API or AWS CLI with AD FS Using-temporary-credentials-with-AWS-resources Okta - AWS China multi-account console integration Keycloak on aws Keycloak with Okta OpenID Connect Provider Managing temporary elevated access just-in-time access to your AWS ...
Design and Implement the architecture of Keycloak for integrating SSO (SAML & OIDC) between all Landing Zone Core Applications Design and Implement the Public Key Infrastructure ( based on Vault) Technical Environment :AWS EC2, AWS RDS, AWS Route 53, AWS ACM, AWS KMS, AWS ECS, Terraform, Vau...
Konfigurieren Sie die Gapwalk-Authentifizierung OAuth2 mit Keycloak AWS Blu Age Runtime APIs Endpunkte zum Bauen URLs Endpunkte für die Gapwalk-Anwendung Endpunkte der Blusam-Anwendungskonsole REST JICSAnwendungskonsole verwalten Datenstrukturen AWS Blu Age Runtime einrichten (nicht verwaltet) AWS...
All created Kong Gateway routes will be deleted for the application All created Keycloak resources will be deleted for the application async boolean Default:false Enables asynchronous install operation purgeOnRollback boolean Default:false Defines if module data must be purged on rollback. ...
ForOIDC provider details, enter theIssuer URL. Please note that your issuer URL must host an OIDC discovery document at/.well-known/openid-configuration. For our example, we used an open-sourced Keycloak container instance. You can review and download theKeycloak IdP OIDC discovery ...