AWS::ApiGateway::GatewayResponse AWS::ApiGateway::Method AWS::ApiGateway::Model AWS::ApiGateway::RequestValidator AWS::ApiGateway::Resource AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi AWS::ApiGateway::Stage AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan ApiStage QuotaSettings Tag ThrottleSettings AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey AWS::...
AWS::ApiGateway::RequestValidator AWS::ApiGateway::Resource AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi EndpointConfiguration S3Location Tag AWS::ApiGateway::Stage AccessLogSetting CanarySetting MethodSetting Tag AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan ApiStage QuotaSettings Tag ThrottleSettings AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey AWS::Ap...
x-api-key: you need to pass this key with usage plan, otherwise doesn't work Usage plan mainly set limited for usage. How to? X-Ray & CloudWatch Cloudwatch is stage level. Ref: After creating your API,...
同时,通过Amazon API Gateway和Customized Authentication Lambda来对外提供Rest API 访问和认证授权服务,借助 Amazon API Gateway 的App Key和Usage Plan特性,可以对不同的 API 访问源进行请求和并发控制,架构如虚线部分所示。 OAuth 单点登陆方式架构 AWS Credentials 登陆方式比较简单,可以快速...
点击Create API Key and add to Usage Plan 测试 这里使用 Postman 来进行测试。 1. 首先我们可以在 API Keys 中找到刚创建的 API Key 并进行复制 2. 设置 API Key 3. 发送请求进行测试 至此我们就完成了所有的开发测试工作。 总结 通过API Gateway+Lambda,我们实现了 Amazon Bedrock 认证方式的转换,可以更方...
resource/aws_apigateway_usage_plan: Add tags argument and arn attribute (#10566) resource/aws_codebuild_project: Add ARM_CONTAINER as valid environment configuration block compute_type argument value (#11206) resource/aws_ecs_cluster: Add capacity_providers argument and default_capacity_provider_stra...
Usage with TypeScript The AWS SDK for JavaScript bundles TypeScript definition files for use in TypeScript projects and to support tools that can read.d.tsfiles. Our goal is to keep these TypeScript definition files updated with each release for any public api. ...
云 API 是腾讯云开放生态的基石。通过云 API,只需少量的代码即可快速操作云产品;在熟练的情况下,使用...
This is the initial SDK release for the Amazon API Gateway v2 APIs. This SDK will allow you to manage and configure APIs in Amazon API Gateway; this first release provides the capabilities that allow you to programmatically setup and manage WebSocket APIs end to end. AWSSDK.AppConfig Introduc...
API Gateway Error Codes 403: Access Denied 429: Reqeusts are excedded the configured API Gateway throttle. The gateway response for the usage plan quota exceeded error. 502: Bad Gateway Exception. Bad output returned by the backend api service 503: Service Unavailable. Maybe the backend endpoin...