AWS Amplify Package - aws-amplify-vue The aws-amplify-vue package is a set of Vue components which integrates your Vue application with the AWS-Amplify library. It is intended for use with Vue applications using version 2.5 or above, and was created using the Vue 3.0 CLI. Setup In your ...
"@aws-amplify/ui-vue": "^4.2.25", 14 + "@aws-amplify/ui-vue": "^4.2.26", 15 15 "vue": "^3.0.5", 16 16 "vue-router": "4" 17 17 }, packages/angular/projects/ui-angular/ +9 Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,5 +1,14...
"@aws-amplify/ui-vue": "^4.2.14", "@aws-amplify/ui-vue": "^4.2.15", "vue": "^3.0.5", "vue-router": "4" }, 7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions 7 packages/angular/projects/ui-angular/ Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,5 +1,12...
Consul 是一个由 HashiCorp 公司开发的开源软件,最初发布于2014年5月。HashiCorp 公司是一个专注于云基...
若要進一步了解 Amplify Gen 2的程式碼優先方法,請參閱AWS Workshop Studio網站上的Amplify Gen 2 研討會。在此全方位教學課程中,您會使用 React 和 Next.js 建置無伺服器應用程式,並了解如何使用 Amplify Gen 2 Data and Auth 程式庫和 Amplify UI 程式庫來新增應用程式功能。
问如何向Vue.js AWS-amplify应用程序添加身份验证持久性EN1、一般数组是不能添加元素的,因为他们在初始...
AWS Amplify is everything mobile developers need to develop cloud-powered fullstack applications without hassle. Easily connect your cross-platform applications to the cloud for data modeling, authentication, storage, serverless functions, and more. ...
amplify配合vue开发。 之前从未接触过aws,经过查询也只了解到amplify…amplify就是aws的sdk,可以让你...
Amplify UI Components Amplify provides an open-source toolkit that supplies drop-in and configurable UI components for some AWS services (auth, storage, chat), supporting mobile and JavaScript based frameworks, such as React and Angular. How it differs for AWS GovCloud (US): Amplify UI components...
Erhalten Sie Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen über AWS Amplify zu Themen wie unterstützte Sprachen und Frameworks, AWS-Services und statisches Webhosting.