Amazon Web Services(AWS)是全球最全面、应用最广泛的云服务。数百万客户(包括增长最快速的初创企业、最大型企业和主要的政府机构)使用 AWS 来提高敏捷性、降低成本并加速创新。 最为广泛深入的云功能集 最大的客户和合作伙伴社区 值得信赖的安全性 加速转型的创新 ...
"test:links": "node --require esbuild-register ./scripts/link-checker-puppeteer.ts" }, "dependencies": { "@aws-amplify/ui-react": "6.1.3", "@aws-amplify/ui-react": "6.1.4", "@docsearch/react": "3", "@mdx-js/loader": "^2.1.0", "@mdx-js/mdx": "^2.1.0", 2 changes:...
而amplify datastore的实例内置的Storage Engine又会通过Storage Adapter将增删改查的操作转化为缓存数据库的操作语句,目前storage adapter默认支持SQLite和indexedDB,不过因为datastore是开源项目的一部分,开发者也可以根据自己的意愿更换storage adapter来支持其他形式的轻量级数据库(例如NoSQL的NeDB...
Also facing this issue, and it does make development workflow way more complicated than it has to be. Support for using system node version would be crucial, especially considering that Node 14 is also about to reach EOL. Confirmed. Ran a mock. It was the old node. Upgraded to Amplify cl...
Deploy your site to a Node.js server. Latest version: 7.0.1, last published: a year ago. Start using astrojs-node-aws-amplify in your project by running `npm i astrojs-node-aws-amplify`. There is 1 other project in the npm registry using astrojs-node-aws
Analytics category of aws-amplify. Latest version: 7.0.75, last published: 3 days ago. Start using @aws-amplify/analytics in your project by running `npm i @aws-amplify/analytics`. There are 20 other projects in the npm registry using @aws-amplify/analyt
Amplify 3.x.x has breaking changes. Please see the breaking changes below: AWS.credentials and AWS.config don’t exist anymore in Amplify JavaScript. Both options will not be available to use in version 3. You will not be able to use and set your own credentials. For more information ...
AWS Amplify 托管 AWS Amplify 托管: 用户指南 用户指南 Copyright © 2024 Amazon Web Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Amazon 的商标和商业外观不得用于任何非 Amazon 的商品或服务,也不得以任何可能引起客户混 淆,贬低或诋毁 Amazon 的方式使用.所有非 Amazon 拥有的其他商标均...
active-mq-supported-version alb-desync-mode-check alb-http-drop-invalid-header-enabled alb-http-to-https-redirection-check alb-internal-scheme-check alb-waf-enabled amplify-app-branch-auto-deletion-enabled amplify-app-description amplify-app-tagged amplify-branch-performance-mode-enabled amplify-branch...
图6 AWS Lambda NodeJS项目 我们可以看到panther路径下包含一个NodeJS项目,下一步需要安装NodeJS项目的依赖包: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 npminstall--arch=x64--platform=linux--target=12.13.0sharp 图6中笔者已经安装了node_modules依赖包,在项目部署至AWS Lambda之前,我们不...