meaning you don’t need to implement any additional logic to make them work with Amplify backends. They are fully customizable and theme-able. The ChangePassword component allows
AWSSystemsManagerChangeManagementServicePolicy AWSSystemsManagerEnableConfigRecordingExecutionPolicy AWSSystemsManagerEnableExplorerExecutionPolicy AWSSystemsManagerForSAPFullAccess AWSSystemsManagerForSAPReadOnlyAccess AWSSystemsManagerOpsDataSyncServiceRolePolicy AWSThinkboxAssetServerPolicy AWSThinkboxAWSPortalAdminPolicy AWS...
复制 import{SelectMFAType}from'aws-amplify-react';# other code<SelectMFAType authData={user}MFATypes={{SMS:true,TOTP:true}}/># other code 如果您不熟悉aws-amplify-react和/或SelectMFAType,则此组件提供一个UI元素,用户可以选择使用SMS或Software作为其MFA方法。如果他们选择短信,他们以前核实过的电话号...
AWS Amplify 托管 AWS Amplify 托管: 用户指南 用户指南 Copyright © 2024 Amazon Web Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Amazon 的商标和商业外观不得用于任何非 Amazon 的商品或服务,也不得以任何可能引起客户混 淆,贬低或诋毁 Amazon 的方式使用.所有非 Amazon 拥有的其他商标均...
我手动使用amplify (即,我没有使用任何CLI元素,也没有使用后端,并且我将其挂钩到现有的Cognito用户池中)。 这是我的AWS配置(如上所述,手卷,一些ID被屏蔽) 代码语言:javascript 复制 constawsConfig={Auth:{region:'eu-west-1',userPoolId:'eu-west-1_xxxxxxx',userPoolWebClientId:'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',...
importAuthfrom'@aws-amplify/auth';Auth.signUp({username:'AmandaB',password:'MyCoolPassword1!',attributes:{email:'',},});Auth.signIn(username,password).then(success=>console.log('successful sign in')).catch(err=>console.log(err)); ...
name).toBe(AmplifyErrorString.UNKNOWN); expect(error.underlyingError).toBe(null); } }); }); 16 changes: 5 additions & 11 deletions 16 packages/auth/__tests__/providers/cognito/resetPassword.test.ts Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -16,13 +16,7 @@ describe...
Once done, change the directory and run this command to install its dependencies: npm install To start the development server on http://localhost:3000 npm run dev The app should look like this: Next, let’s set up Amplify for the project and create a named profile: ...
// To use Amplify, refer to Set up Amplify CLI to complete the initial setup. To be consistent with the values that you use later in the instructions, call your AWS profile amplify when you see the following prompt. ...
AWS Amplify is a set of tools and services that enables developers to build scalable and secure cloud-powered web and mobile applications with ease.