Amazon Web Services(AWS)是全球最全面、应用最广泛的云服务。数百万客户(包括增长最快速的初创企业、最大型企业和主要的政府机构)使用 AWS 来提高敏捷性、降低成本并加速创新。 最为广泛深入的云功能集 最大的客户和合作伙伴社区 值得信赖的安全性 加速转型的创新 ...
AWS 针对我们绝大多数的云服务提供按实际使用量付费的定价模式。使用 AWS 时,您只需为您需要的个别服务付费,具体根据您的使用时间计费,且无需签订长期合同或复杂的许可协议。AWS 定价方式与您支付水电费的方式类似。您只需为所使用的服务计费,且停止使用后无需支付额外费用或终止费。 使用AWS 定价计算器,了解您可...
Media Services (11) Migration & Transfer (10) Networking & Content Delivery (15) Partner Central (1) Quantum Computing (1) Robotics (1) Satellite (1) Security, Identity, & Compliance (25) Serverless (12) Storage (10) All products (331) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 19 Amazon A2I Easily...
OpenService endpoints and quotas, search for the service name, and click the link to open the page for that service. To view the supported endpoints for all AWS services in the documentation without switching pages, view the information in theService Endpoints and Quotaspage in the PDF instead....
checks/ - recursively iterates all SQL code files found in the given or current directory and runs SQLFluff linter against them, inferring the different SQL dialects from each path/filename/extension AWS - Amazon Web Services aws/ directory: AWS scripts - aws_*.sh: aws_pr...
SelectAdd environment>Amazon Web Services. Enter the details of the AWS account, including the location where you store the connector resource. TheAWS regionsdropdown allows you to select the regions to which Defender for Cloud makes API calls. Every region that is deselected from the dropdown,...
This will delete all the AWS resources created by your project and ensure that you don't incur any unexpected charges. It will also remove the service from Serverless Dashboard. serverless remove More details on the remove command can be found here. Composing Services Serverless Framework Compose...
AWSoffers a range of services to help cloud consumers establish and maintain network connectivity and security for their applications -- on premises and in the cloud. Explore this list of key AWS networking services to see which features meet your network requirements. ...
Create a group that will provide all users access to the application. Assign the group to the AWS Identity Center application. Assign your test user as a direct member of the group created in the previous step, or provide them access to the group through an access package. This group can...
Export a List of Devices and Services Bulk Reconnect Devices to Security Cloud Control Resolve an Unused Object Issue Procedure Step 1 In the left pane, click Objects and choose an option. Step 2 Then filter the objects to find unused object issues. Step 3 Select on...