Custom Domain name HTTPS security integration with ACM If Edge-Optimized=>certificate in US-East-1 If Regional=>certificate in API Gateway region Must setup CNAME or A-Alias record in Route 53 Endpoints: Edge-Optimized: Cloudfront Edge Locations (API GW 1 region) Regional: clients/API GW ...
( self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, hosted_zone: route53.IHostedZone, certificate: acm.ICertificate, alb: str, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs) self.static_site_bucket = s3.Bucket( self, "StaticSiteBucket", access_control=s3.Buc...
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) AWS CloudHSM Amazon Cognito Amazon Detective AWS Directory Service AWS Firewall Manager Amazon GuardDuty AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) AWS IAM Identity Center (AWS Single Sign-On) Amazon Inspector AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) Amazon Macie AWS Network...
AWS ACM 12.9. AWS Secrets Manager Newer service, meant for storing secrets. Capability to force rotation of secrets every X days. Automate generation of secrets on rotation (uses Lambda). Integration with Amazon RDS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Aurora). Secrets are encrypted using KMS. Mostly meant for...
acm-certificate-rsa-check acm-pca-root-ca-disabled active-mq-supported-version alb-desync-mode-check alb-http-drop-invalid-header-enabled alb-http-to-https-redirection-check alb-internal-scheme-check alb-waf-enabled amplify-app-branch-auto-deletion-enabled amplify-app-description amplify-app-tagged...
1 AWS Glossario linguaggio policy d'accesso account attività dell'account AWS Account Management ACL ACM action Documentazione di riferimento Linguaggio per scrivere documenti (in particolare, politiche) che specificano chi può accedere a un determinato AWS risorsa luogo e a quali condizioni. Una...
Step 1, create an HTTPS certificate in AWS ACM: OpenAWS ACM(AWS Certificate Manager) Switch to the region of your application Click "Request a certificate" Select "Request a public certificate" and continue Add your domain and continue
40px">kubectl exec -it acmpca-csi-test -c aws-cli – sh<br> $aws sts get-caller-identity</code></p> <p>Output: You should see <code style="color:#000000">iam-roles-anywhere-s3-full-access</code> in <code style="color:#000000">caller-identity</code>.</p> <p>...
Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs) from leading AI companies like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Mistral AI, Stability AI, and Amazon through a single API, along wi...
ACM is regional service ACM can generate or import certificate. If certificate is generated, then ACM will automatically renew it when expires. And if it is imported, certificate needs to renew mannully. ACM can only be integrated with supported AWS services (e.g. CloudFront, ABL), and EC2 ...