1 AWS Glossario linguaggio policy d'accesso account attività dell'account AWS Account Management ACL ACM action Documentazione di riferimento Linguaggio per scrivere documenti (in particolare, politiche) che specificano chi può accedere a un determinato AWS risorsa luogo e a quali condizioni. Una...
Create a bucket policy that requires users to set the object’s ACL to bucket-owner-full-control. Protect objects in the S3 bucket from accidental deletion or overwrite. Enable versioning and MFA delete. Access resources on both on-premises and AWS using on-premises credentials that are stored...
1 AWS Glossar Zugriffsschlüssel- Rotation Sprache der Zugriffsrichtlinie Konto Kontoaktivität AWS Account Management ACL ACM action Referenz Eine Methode zur Erhöhung der Sicherheit durch Änderung der AWS Zugriffsschlüssel-ID. Mithilfe dieser Methode können Sie einen alten Schlüssel nach ...
例如,您可以使用 S3 版本控制将对象的多个版本保留在同一个存储桶中,这样就可以恢复意外删除或覆盖的对象。存储桶及其中的对象是私有的,只能在明确授予访问权限的情况下进行访问。您可以使用存储桶策略、AWS Identity and Access Management(IAM)策略、S3 接入点和访问控制列表(ACL)来管理访问权限。
On the AWS WAF console, create a new web ACL, or modify an existing web ACL if you are using AWS WAF already. You can use the wizard to help you configure basic settings, such as which resource you want to protect and which rules to add. When prompted to add rules, select Add Mana...
{ Bucket: BUCKET, Key: filename, ACL: 'public-read', Body: data }).promise(); return { statusCode: 200, body: JSON.stringify({ link: `https://${BUCKET}.s3.amazonaws.com/${filename}` }) } } catch (err) { return { statusCode: 500, body: JSON.stringify({ message: err....
You can add Managed Rules to your existing AWS WAF web ACL to which you might have already added your own rules. Will Managed Rules add to my existing AWS WAF limit on number of rules? The number of rules inside a Managed Rule does not count towards your limit. However, each Managed ...
aws_network_acl.public resource aws_route.private resource aws_route.public resource aws_route_table.private resource aws_route_table.public resource aws_route_table_association.private resource aws_route_table_association.public resource aws_subnet.private resource aws_subnet.public resource aws_vpc.def...
virtual_name- (Required) A name for the ephemeral device, of the form “ephemeralN” whereNis a volume number starting from zero. Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported: id- The ID of the created AMI. See the source of this document atTerraform.io ...
{ "licenseCaps": ["BASE", "MALWARE", "THREAT"], "performanceTier": "FTDv50", "fmcIpforDeviceReg": "DONTRESOLVE", "RegistrationId": "cisco", "NatId": "cisco", "fmcAccessPolicyName": "AWS-ACL" } Keep the fmcIpforDeviceReg setting as DONTRESOLVE. The ...