参观市区重建局展馆后,同学们来到了市区重建局(Urban Redevelopment Authority),看到新加坡从小渔村转型为国际化大都市的规划成果,从功能分区到重点区域设计,再到历史保护与环境维护,体现了高效利用土地、追求可持续发展的理念。 午餐后,同学们回...
1.1.2 城市更新 西方国家为了解决城市发展中存在的一系列问题,先后提出城市复兴(urban renaissance)、城市振兴(urban revitalization)和城市再开发(urban redevelopment)等非理性的形体规划概念。进入后工业化社会后,受到人本主义思想和可持续...
The venue is the just openedExpo Riverside Dingbo, on the banks of theHuangpu Riverincentral Shanghai, a project ofDavid Chipperfield Architectswhich represents the centrepiece of the redevelopment of the 2010 World Expo Sit...
The next day, the city council announced that John Lewis had agreed to pay £5m “to surrender their current lease andobligations”. The money would be put “towards the future redevelopment of the site”. Three consultancy firm...
[5] [7] Zhi Liu et al., “Urban Regeneration under National Land Use Control: Guangdong¡¦s ‘Three-Old’ Redevelopment Programme”, The China Quarterly (October 2023), 1-16,https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305741023001455.[6] 《总投资1,55...
Research on Functional Configuration Strategies for the Redevelopment of a Metro Vehicle Base in Guangzhou/ BAI Fei 人居环境 设计前沿探讨 54网络视角下城市功能耦合对房价的影响研究——以武汉市为例/杨 琳,郑娅 The Influen...
1993,URA(Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh)买下场地。1994年至1996年,URA进行民众意见协调工作,获得民众对场地再开发规划的认可。随后的几年中,URA完成场地和地下水污染调查、风险评估,并进行TIF(Tax Incremental Financing)税收增额融资。税收增额融资作为一种...
Research on Hotspots and Trends in Urban Land Redevelopment: Analysis of a Knowledge MapBased on CiteSpace / HE Donghua, WANG Xiumei, LIU Yuting, YU Min 44 我国近现代工业遗产时空间格局特征研究——基于全国重点文物保...
[9] Mu, Szumien. Community Building in Social-mix Public Housing: Participatory Planning of Ankang Redevelopment Plan[J]. Procedia Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2016, 222: 755-762. [10]陈宏胜,吴利辉,李志刚. 从空间隔离...
Local leaders like Zhou Shengchun, Party committee secretary of Huacao town, have been prioritizing the provision of support for businesses in the Hongqiao International CBD. For example, they have emphasized the importance of ...