The words in the AWL are not connected with any particular subject, meaning they are useful for all students. The 570 word families of the AWL are divided into 10 lists (called sublists) according to how frequent they are. Sublist 1 has the most frequent word families, sublist 2 the ...
Detailed information about the word (related word forms, meaning, etc.) will appear below. Word will appear here Meaningwill appear here Pronunciationwill appear here Related word formswill appear here Collocations (from ACL) will appear here...
AWL (《英语学术词汇表》) 是一个由Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 的一些应用语言学家统计出来词汇表,它包含了的学术英语(English for Academic Purpose)中最常用的570个词目(headwords),每一个词目下面还列出了该词目的相关变化形式。例如:词目“analyse”就包含以下相关联的词汇:analysed, ...
meaningislikelytobethesameorsimilar.When youarelookingforwordsinthisdictionary,think aboutotherwordfamilymemberstoo. Finally,therearesomeacademicwordsthatdonot haveawordfamily.Thesewordsoccurontheirown anddonothaveanyinflections.Examplesinclude nonetheless,so-calledandbehalf. TheAWLcoversupto10%ofthevocabulary...
If you learn the verb maximise, you will be able to recognise other family members such as maximised when you encounter them in your reading. These words are closely related and the meaning is likely to be the same or similar. When you are looking for words in this dictionary, think about...
1.What is the AWL?AWL(《英语学术词汇表》)是一个由Victoria University of Wellington,New Zealand的一些应用语言学家统计出来词汇表,它包含了的学术英语(English for Academic Purpose)中最常用的570个词目(headwords),每一个词目下面还列出了该词目的相关变化形式。例如:词目“analyse”就包含以下相关联的词汇...
1 Academic Word List An Introduction to the to recognise other family members such as maximised when you encounter them in your Academic Word List reading. These words are closely related and the meaning is likely to be the same or similar. When Averil Coxhead, Massey University, New Zealand ...
AWL( 《英语学术词汇表》) 是一个由Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 的一些应用语言学家 统计出来词汇表,它包含了的学术英语(EnglishforAcademic Purpose)中最常用的570个词目(headwords), 每一个词目下面还列出了该词目的相关变化形式。 例如:词目“analyse”就包含以下相关联的词汇:analysed, analyse...
If you learn the verb maximise, you will be able to recognise other family members such as maximised when you encounter them in your reading. These words are closely related and the meaning is likely to be the same or similar. When you are looking f 7、or words in this dictionary, ...
alter v. become different; change in character, position, size, shape, etc alternative adj. available in place of sth else; other ambiguous adj. having more than one possible meaning amend v. correct an error in (sth); make minor improvements in; change slightly analogy n. ~ partial simila...