That Awkward Phase I’ve got two teenage boys. I’m watching their respective growth – physically and in asserting their growing independence – with both awe and concern. My older son has changed his “look” repeatedly all of his teen years, mostly with his hair length and color and cut...
This person is transitioning to natural hair and was admiring her hair and not being critical. So my daughter responded jokingly by saying “yes the last time I looked it was all mine”. In my opinion, she handled that quite well and by now I think she is used to awkward commen...
I’m probably still in the “is she, or isn’t she?” limbo phase, where they don’t really feel like asking to avoid an awkward moment. That is, unless they’re a guest at the resort I teach at and feel like asking anyway. ...
Box elder (Acer negundo) is an example of a plant that has both native and introduced populations. Once widely planted in yards and on farms, this tree has “fallen out of favor.” Its weak wood (a result of growing so quickly), can result in a messy, unattractive tree, making it a...
which is frequently found growing in large colonies due to its ability to reproduce vegetatively via adventitious shoots produced on lateral roots or underground stems. Only a handful of milkweed species reproduce this way. Showy milkweed reaches up to five feet tall and has large ovate, gray-...
I transitioned over 10 years ago, but last month I went to a support group because I’m still relatively new to town and wanted to meet my community and new friends, and I wasn’t expected to personally get too much out of the meeting, but when I was done, I felt SO GOOD. ...
After introduced plants become established, a lag phase generally occurs before landscape spread. This can be a result of a lack of genetic variation, a dearth of suitable habitat, unfavorable environmental conditions, or some combination of the three. New introductions may occur, and the population...