length[([s])] 计算字符串长度(character为单位) rand() 生成随机数 srand([expr]) 设置rand() seed int(x) 字符串转换为整型 substr(s, m [, n]) 取子字符串 index(s, t) 在字符串s中定位t字符串首次出现的位置 match(s, ere) 在字符串s中匹配正则ere,match修改RSTART、RLENGTH变量。 split(s,...
Also as with input field-splitting, if fieldsep is the null string, each individual character in the string is split into its own array element. (c.e.)Note, however, that RS has no effect on the way split() works. Even though ‘RS = ""’ causes newline to also be an input ...
length[([s])] 计算字符串长度(character为单位) rand() 生成随机数 srand([expr]) 设置rand() seed int(x) 字符串转换为整型 substr(s, m [, n]) 取子字符串 index(s, t) 在字符串s中定位t字符串首次出现的位置 match(s, ere) 在字符串s中匹配正则ere,match修改RSTART、RLENGTH变量。 split(s,...
length[([s])] 计算字符串长度(character为单位) rand() 生成随机数 srand([expr]) 设置rand() seed int(x) 字符串转换为整型 substr(s, m [, n]) 取子字符串 index(s, t) 在字符串s中定位t字符串首次出现的位置 match(s, ere) 在字符串s中匹配正则ere,match修改RSTART、RLENGTH变量。
split(s, a [, r]) Splits the string s into the array a on the regular expression r, and returns the number of fields. If r is omitted, FS is used instead. The array a is cleared first. Splitting behaves identically to field splitting, ...
split(s,a,fs):使用fs将s分割,然后分别加入到数组a中; sprintf(format,expr1,expr2,exprn):返回一个字符串(不打印),这个字符串按指定的format格式化expr1..exprn genline:读取下一行,重新设定NF、NR、FNR; 实例 实例1:length函数 [root@centos7 ~]# awk 'BEGIN{superuser="root";print length(superuser...
split(s, a [, r]) Splits the string s into the array a on the regular expression r, and returns the number of fields. If r is omitted, FS is used instead. The array a is cleared first. Splitting behaves identically to field splitting, ...
This assumes you want normal line separation. # If you want lines split on some other character...
Current character is whitespace. $ awk 'BEGIN { name = ""; if (! length(name)) print "name is empty string." }' name is empty string. 三元操作符 $ awk 'BEGIN { a = 10; b = 20; (a > b) ? max = a : max = b; print "Max =", max}' ...