print "This cell has a value of zero" } else { printf "The value is %d/n",$ 1 } ) 再看下一个例子: # a nicely formatted if loop (if ($1 > $2){ print "The first column is larger" } else { print "The second column is larger" } ) 15.2 while 循环 while 循环的语法如下: ...
print "This cell has a value of zero" } else { printf "The value is %d/n",$ 1 } ) 再看下一个例子: # a nicely formatted if loop (if ($1 > $2){ print "The first column is larger" } else { print "The second column is larger" } ) 15.2 while 循环 while 循环的语法如下: ...
To print entire columns from a file, we can employ a similar approach by specifying the desired fields in the “print” statement. However, this time we consider multiple lines to collectively represent the column. For example, to print the second and third columns of a file, we can use t...
print"Total "count } I’m sure it’s obvious from the code, but I’ll go through it anyway – at the start of the application we initialise thecountvariable to the first row, second column value (in our test1.txt file this is 1) then when Awk processes each subsequent row we simpl...
Each line number of column multiply eg. 10*10 and then divide by A4=100. To this point I can do this by awk ‘{ print ($1 * $2)/100 }’ but then is hard for me: IF less than 1 that page is A4 if grater than 1 but less than 2 then A3 ...
Hi I want to be able to transpose one column to an unknown number of columns as shown below. --Before c1 c2 c3 typ val --- H2|f|1|AQ|2 H2|f|1|MP|1 H2|f|3|MX|1 H1|c|3|MP|1 H1|c|3|MX|1 --after desired c1 c2 c3 AQ MP MX --- H2|f|1|2|1 H2|f...
NAME=`awk ‘{print$1}’ NAME` ; MARK=`awk ‘{print$2}’ NAME` sed -e “s|NAME|$NAME|” -e “s|MARK|$MARK|” Template.txt >> RESULT The RESULT will be ANNE’s mark is 80. But when the are few rows of data, i dont know how to read the second line and the rest. I ...
awk'{{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i == "name:") printf $(i+1)" "$(i+2)" "} print ""; }'yourfile The output: 1AAA2AAA3BBB1AAA2BBB5CCC Just replaceprintwithprintfto print the value on the same line, and insert new line after finishing the iteration on the the line: ...
print arr[1] "," arr[2] "," $2prints both the first and second characters of the first column, followed by the second column’s value, separated by commas. print $0If the condition is not met, it prints the whole line as it is. ...
Here's an example of sorting input lines in ascending order based on second column, treating the data as string. $ awk 'BEGIN{PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_str_asc"} {a[$2]=$0} END{for(k in a) print a[k]}' table.txt yellow banana window shoes 3.14 brown bread mat hair 42...