awk -F'\t|,' '{print $1, $2}' input.txt 在上述命令中,-F'\t|,'指定了两个分隔符,即制表符和逗号。$1和$2分别表示第一个和第二个字段。 另外,Awk还支持正则表达式作为分隔符,可以使用斜杠/将正则表达式括起来。例如,使用正则表达式匹配连续的多个空格作为分隔符: ...
1 awk '{print $1}' user_info > uids.txt 如果是想获取用户123456789的好友列表,并且想输出为一列,可以进行如下操作:1 awk '$1==123456789{split($2,friends,",")}END{for(idx in friends){print friends[idx];}}' user_info 上述的pattern,就是uid为123456789,action就是将其好友列表打印出来。
indexed by string values. The special operator in may be used to test if an array has an index consisting of a particular value: if (val in array) print array[val] If the array has multiple subscripts, use (i, j) in array. The in construct may also be used in a for loop to ...
Any non-zero numeric value and non-empty string value is considered as true when that value is used as a conditional expression. Idiomatically, 1 is used to denote a true condition in one-liners as a shortcut to print the contents of $0. $ # same as: printf 'gate\napple\nwhat\nkit...
How to Filter Text or String Using Awk and Regular Expressions – Part 1 How to Use Awk to Print Fields and Columns in File – Part 2 How to Use Awk to Filter Text Using Pattern Specific Actions – Part 3 How to Use Comparison Operators with Awk in Linux – Part 4 ...
Note that the entire approach relies on being able to negate the FS in a bracket expression so it wouldn't work if the FS was some arbitrary regexp or even a multi-char string but then neither would the shell read loop you're asking to duplicate the function of. If you do happen to...
string comparison(= or ==) integer and string comparison; Simple logical operators in BASH; Unix Boolean Operators ( &&, -a, ||, -o ); $( cd "$( dirname ${0} )" && pwd )脚本源文件目录 Getting the source directory of a Bash script from within【@stackoverflow】; ...
awk 'BEGIN {tv="0xA8"; print tv,tv+0}' This printed "0xA8 0", which meant awk thought that the data was strictly a string. This little example consists only of a BEGIN clause, allowing an Awk program to be run without specifying an input file, which is convenient when ...
Attachment: 1.py3 -c 'import re;stri="14 yahoo 17:56 Ray---boring";orig=stri.split();part2=orig[2].split(":");part3=orig[3].split("---");print(orig[0:2]+part2+part3);'
awk '{print $1}' distros.txt 这里取出的是第一列。 awk取最后一列 awk '{print $NF}' distros.txt NF即Number of Field,每行有多少列,同样是awk内置变量。 awk取多列 awk '{print $1,$NF}' distros.txt 注意列号之间以“,”相隔。 awk取多列自动对齐 awk '{print $1,$2,$NF}' distros.txt...