but the output is more than I want. I see that the second column of dpkg -l 's output contains the name of the packages installed, so this is why I used $2 with awk: to get me only the 2nd column.
1. To print the 3rd columnwhich contains the prices: $ awk -F: '{print $3}' file 10;20;30 12;29;19 15;50;61 This is straight forward. By specifying colon(:) in the option with -F, the 3rd column can be retrieved using the $3 variable. 2. To print the 1st component of $...
9. Remove/Delete the 2nd column from the CSV file: $ awk -F, '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if(i!=x)f=f?f FS $i:$i;print f;f=""}' x=2 file Unix,A Linux,B Solaris,C Fedora,D Ubuntu,E By just emptying a particular column, the column stays as is with empty value. To remov...
Awk: 遇到输入行时,根据定义的IFS,第一组字符为field one,访问时使用 1,第二组字符是字段二,使...
If the first column is equal to the value of a, print the two other columns in reverse order. Utilizing the $1 argument of a bash script within an awk command Solution 1: Pass a command line value to awk using awk -v var=val and then compare it using regular expression syntax with...
I have a log file and would like to count the number of the same value of first column, for example count = 4 for -8.7, count = 4 for -7.8 … I am able to grep -v manually ; however, I would like to have the output as ...
您可以使用此awk: awk 'NR==FNR {a[$2]=$1; next} {print $0, a[$3]}' f1 f2 | column -tfirstname Lastname Username IPaddressMozes Bowman user1 Parrish user2 Woods user3 用于表格输出的column -t。
1. Print enrire row, one at a time, form a input file (animals.txt) a. awk '{ print $0 }' animals.txt 2. Print specific columns from (animals.txt) a. awk '{ print $1 }' animals.txt - this print the 1st column form the file ...