awk [-F field-separator] 'commands' input-file(s) 其中,commands 是真正awk命令,[-F域分隔符]是可选的。 input-file(s) 是待处理的文件。 在awk中,文件的每一行中,由域分隔符分开的每一项称为一个域。通常,在不指名-F域分隔符的情况下,默认的域分隔符是空格。 2.shell脚本方式 将所有的awk命令插...
OFS:OFS command stores the output field separator, which separates the fields when Awk prints them. The default is a blank space. Whenever print has several parameters separated with commas, it will print the value of OFS in between each parameter. ORS:ORS command stores the output record sepa...
split( string, array, field separator ) 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 [sunchengquan 21:27:37 ~] $ echo "00-11-22-33-44"|awk '{split($0,a,sep="-");for(i in a){print i":"a[i]}}' 4:33 5:44 1:00 2:11 3:22 tolower(s) 将字符串s中的...
so I add the space and single quote as field separators, but that also does not give the expected output: $ echo "set system login user alice full-name 'Alice Example'" | awk -F "[ ']" '{$NF=""; print}' set system login user alice full-name Alice Example what...
使用GNU awk的一个想法是: awk -F';' '{ patsplit($3,arr,"[0-9]{4}-[1-5]") # split field #3 into NNNN-N strings delete seen # clear seen[] array for (i in arr) # for each NNNN-N string in arr[], store as index in seen[arr[i]] # seen[] array; duplicates are effe...
awk [-F field-separator] 'commands' input-file(s) 其中,commands 是真正awk命令,[-F域分隔符]是可选的。 input-file(s) 是待处理的文件。 在awk中,文件的每一行中,由域分隔符分开的每一项称为一个域。通常,在不指名-F域分隔符的情况下,默认的域分隔符是空格。
awk [-F field-separator] 'commands' input-file(s) 其中,commands 是真正awk命令,[-F域分隔符]是可选的。 input-file(s) 是待处理的文件。 在awk中,文件的每一行中,由域分隔符分开的每一项称为一个域。通常,在不指名-F域分隔符的情况下,默认的域分隔符是空格。
The NF variable specifies the last field in the record without knowing its position: $ awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"; OFS=":"} {print $1,$NF}' /etc/passwd The NF variable can be used as a data field variable if you type it like this: $NF. ...
The $NF is the last field, the $(NF-1) is the second last field. $ awk -F, '{ if ($4 ~ "M") {m++} else {f++} } END {printf "users: %d\nmales: %d\nfemales: %d\n", m+f, m, f}' users.txt users: 8 males: 5 females: 3 ...
awk--dump-variables''# 查看文件awkvars.outcatawkvars.outARGC:number(1)ARGIND:number(0)ARGV:array,1elementsBINMODE:number(0)CONVFMT:string("%.6g")ERRNO:number(0)FIELDWIDTHS:string("")FILENAME:string("")FNR:number(0)FS:string(" ")IGNORECASE:number(0)LINT:number(0)NF:number(0)NR:number...