NR==FNR {k[i++]=$1} #先把a文件的值赋给数组k,下标从0自动增长 NR>FNR { print $1,k[$2] #其中 $1,$2是b中的第一,二个域,k[$2]为a的值 下面方法是r2007版主的其实是一样的 [root@TestAs4 zlwt]# awk '{if(NR==FNR)k[i++]=$0;else print $1,k[$2]}' a b aaa deptA bb...
getline从标准输入、管道或者当前正在处理的文件之外的其他输入文件获得输入。它负责从输入获得下一行的内容,并给 NF,NR和 FNR等内建变量赋值。如果得到一条记录, getline函数返回 1,如果到达文件的末尾就返回 0,如果出现错误,例如打开文件失败,就返回 -1。 例10: $ awk 'BEGIN{ "date" | getline d; print d...
awk 所内建的字段变量及其涵意如下 : 读入数据行时, awk如何更新(update)这些内建的字段变量? 当awk 从数据文件中读取一个数据行时, awk 会使用内建变量$0 予以记录.每当 $0 被改动时 (例如 : 读入新的数据行 或 自行变更 $0,...) awk 会立刻重新分析 $0 的字段情况, 并将 $0 上各字段的数据用 $1...
FNR The input record number in the current input file. FPAT A regular expression describing the contents of the fields in a record. When set, gawk parses the input into fields, where the fields match the regular expression, instead of using the value of FS as the field separator. Se...
FNR Number of records that was read from current file Field specifiershave the form$n, wherenruns from1throughNF. Such a field specifier refers to thenth field of the current input record.$0(zero) refers to the entire current input record. ...
输入重定向需用到 getline 函数。 getline 从标准输入、管道或者当前正在处理的文件之外的其他输入文件获得输入。它负责从输入获得下一行的内容,并给 NF,NR 和 FNR 等内建变量赋值。如果得到一条记录, getline 函数返回 1 ,如果到达文件的末尾就返回 0 ,如果出现错误,例如打开文件失败,就返回 -1 。
FNR The ordinal number of the current record in the current file. Inside a BEGIN action the value shall be zero. Inside an END action the value shall be the number of the last record processed in the last file processed. FS Input field separator regular expression; a <space> by default....
reads next input record into the variablevar.awkdoes not split the record into fields (which means that the current$nvalues do not change), but setsNRandFNRappropriately. getline <expr interprets the string value ofexprto be a file name.awkreads the next record from that file into$0, spli...
If the File Number Record is bigger than 1 do stuff (note how we use FNR, not NR. That's because we want to skip the header of every file, not just the first file). We do some math, addition/multiplication. Finally we print the total. This works with multiple csv files. With a...
The values of NR and FNR are not changed, because the main input stream is not used. However, the record is split into fields in the normal manner, thus changing the values of $0, of the other fields, and of NF and RT. Coprocesses are an advanced feature. They are discussed here on...