下面是MATLAB AWGN函数的源代码: function [n] = awgn(s, snr) % s: input signal vector or matrix % snr: signal-to-noise ratio in dB % n: output signal with added noise % calculate noise power signalPower = mean(abs(s(:)).^2); noisePower = signalPower / (10^(snr/10)); % gen...
MATLAB添加高斯噪声awgn函数(需要wgn函数) function y=awgn(varargin) %AWGN Add white Gaussian noise to a signal. % Y = AWGN(X,SNR) adds white Gaussian noise to X. The SNR is in dB. % The power of X is assumed to be 0 dBW. If X is complex, then % AWGN adds complex noise. % %...
function [r,n,N0] = add_awgn_noise(s,SNRdB,L) %Function to add AWGN to the given signal %[r,n,N0]= add_awgn_noise(s,SNRdB) adds AWGN noise vector to signal %'s' to generate a%resulting signal vector 'r' of specified SNR %in dB. It also returns the noise vector 'n' that...
Use the reset (RandStream) function on the randobject before passing it as an input to awgn except when the input is a dlarray object. Provide randobject in a known state as an input to awgn except when the input is a dlarray object. For more information, see RandStream. To reproduce ...
MATLAB 源码: %author - Mathuranathan Viswanathan (gaussianwaves.com%This code is part of the books: Wireless communication systems using Matlab & Digital modulations using Matlab. function [r,n,N0] = add_awgn_noise(s,SNRdB,L)%Function to add AWGN to the given signal%[r,n,N0]= add_awgn...
MATLAB-添加高斯噪声awgn函数(需要wgn函数).docx,function y=awgn(varargin) %AWGN Add white Gaussian noise to a signal. % Y = AWGN(X,SNR) adds white Gaussian noise to X. The SNR is in dB. % The power of X is assumed to be 0 dBW. If X is complex, then % AWGN
functiony=awgn(varargin) %AWGNAddwhiteGaussiannoisetoasignal. %Y=AWGN(X,SNR)addswhiteGaussiannoisetoX.TheSNRisindB. %ThepowerofXisassumedtobe0dBW.IfXiscomplex,then %AWGNaddscomplexnoise. % %Y=AWGN(X,SNR,SIGPOWER)whenSIGPOWERisnumeric,itrepresents %thesignalpowerindBW.WhenSIGPOWERis'measured',...
下面是 MATLAB AWGN 函数的源代码: function [n] = awgn(s, snr) % s: input signal vector or matrix % snr: signal-to-noise ratio in dB % n: output signal with added noise % calculate noise power signalPower = mean(abs(s(:)).^2); noisePower = signalPower / (10^(snr/10)); %...
正交、双极性、单极性信号在awgn信道下的Matlab仿真 matlab代码示例: Matlab源码 clear all; clc; %采样点数 numsamp=10; %基带脉冲信号 quadrature_s0=ones(1,numsamp); quadrature_s1=[ones(1,numsamp/2) -ones(1,numsamp/2)]; bipolar_s0=ones(1,numsamp); ...
function y=awgn(varargin)AWGN Add white Gaussian noise to a signal.Y = AWGN(X,SNR) adds white Gaussian noise to X. The SNR is in dB.The power of X is assumed to be 0 dBW. If X is complex, then AWGN adds complex noise.Y = AWGN(X,SNR,SIGPOWER) when SIGPOWER is...