AWG直径Turnsofwire,withoutinsulation截面积铜线铜HYPERLINK""\o"阻抗"阻抗HYPERLINK""\o"Ampacity(页面不存在)"载流量,at20°Cinsulationmaterialtemperaturerating,or16AWGandsmallerforsingleunbundledwiresinequipment:Fusingcurrent60°C75°C90°CPreeceOnderdonk(in)(mm)per inper cm(HYPERLINK""\o"圆密耳"kcmil)(...
70016 1.626 1.800 1.800 1.800 13 1.8291.900 1.900 1.90015 1.829 2.000 2.000 2.000 12 2.0522.120 2.120 2.12014 2.032 2.240 2.240 2.240 11 2.3002.360 2.360 2.36013 2.337 2.500 2.500 2.50012 2.64210 ...
temperature rating, or 16AWGandsmaller forsingleunbundled wires inequipment: Fusing current 60°C 75°C 90°C Preece Onderdonk (in) (mm) per in per cm (kcmil) (mm2) mΩ/m mΩ/ft (A) ~10 s 1 s 32 ms 0000 (4/0) 0、4600[a] 11、684[a] 2、17 0、856 212 107 0、1608 0、...
AWG对应的电流值(10页).docx,对应的电 流值 页 G o o d i s g o o d , b u t b e t t e r c a r r i e s i t . 精益求精,善益求善。 --- AWG 尺寸对照表 表格中的数据包括各种导线的阻抗和允许电流大小(安培)。表...
35A Current Rating 找到1件产品 找到5件产品 4300-3047 压接工具, 棘轮, 22-10AWG Endsplices & Ferrules PRESSMASTER 信息不可用。请稍后重试。 定价不可用。 请联系客户服务。 KST2000L 压接工具, 手动 MULTICOMP PRO 信息不可用。请稍后重试。
temperature rating, or 16 AWG and smaller for single unbundled wires in equipment: Fusing current 60°C 75°C 90°C Preece Onderdonk (in) (mm) per in per cm (kcmil) (mm2) mΩ/m mΩ/ft (A) ~10 s 1 s 32 ms 0000 (4/0) 0.4600[a] 11.684[a] 2.17 0.856 212 107 0.1608 0.04901...
Current Rating Amps vs. cable size for fixed installations in buildings. Electric Wire - Maximum Length with 240 Volts Single-Phase Power Maximum length of 240 V single phase electric wire with max. 2% voltage drop. Electric Wire - Resistance Electric resistance in wire made of Copper, ...
temperature rating, or 16 AWG and smaller for single unbundled wires in equipment: Fusing current 60°C 75°C 90°C Preece Onderdonk (in) (mm) per in per cm () (mm2) mΩ/m mΩ/ft (A) ~10 s 1 s 32 ms 0000 (4/0) 212 107 195 230 260 kA 33 kA 182 kA 000 (3/0) 168...
铜线载流量, at 20cinsulation materialawg直径turns of wire,without insulation截面积铜阻抗temperature rating, or 16awg and smaller forfusing currentsingle unbundled wires inequipment:60c75c90c preeceonde 2、rdonk(in)(mm)per in per cm (kcmil)(mm2)m/m m/ft(a)10 s1 s 32 ms0000 0.4600a(4/...