近期,2023年美国各数学夏校申请陆续开放中。夏校(Summer School),又叫美国暑期课程,是美国大学针对国内外学生开设的为期几个星期的暑期项目。 夏校就像一次浓缩版的大学生活体验。申请者不仅有机会提前接触到大学课程、参与到感兴趣的项目中,还可以提升英语水平、了解美国大学的校园文化与特色。 如果在校期间表现优异受到...
AwesomeMath 正是这样一个数学夏令营,磨练学生、将强大技术应用于一些最吸引人的问题的能力,超越核心标准,探索数论、计数和概率、几何和代数等领域,令学生兴奋。 无论是为数学能力、AMC竞赛、USAMTS数学竞赛、Math Meet,F = ma,UASPhO或USNCO,或者深入研究一些复杂问题以解决问题的能力,AwesomeMath都是一个非常好的“...
Awesome Math Summer Program 广东某公立学校国际部 合肥某公立学校国际部 杭州某普高 AwesomeMath是一个面向世界各地有数学天赋的学生所开设的数学能力提升密集型夏令营,在帮助优秀的中学生锻炼他们解决问题的能力和提升数学水平的同时,也会...
AWESOME MATH(3枚) Awesome Math Summer Program 广东某公立学校国际部 合肥某公立学校国际部 杭州某普高 AwesomeMath是一个面向世界各地有数学天赋的学生所开设的数学能力提升密集型夏令营,在帮助优秀的中学生锻炼他们解决问题的能力和提升数学水平的同时,也会提升很多参与者在数学竞赛中的表现,如AMC10/12、AIME或USAMO。
math skills. This summer camp improved my problem solving skills a lot. Those new knowledges gained helped me not only during the summer camp, but also after I came back. I also brought two math books there. They are both written...
The Machine Learning Summer School:机器学习暑期学校(MLSS)系列开始于2002年,致力于传播统计机器学习和推理的现代方法。今年因新冠疫情在线举行,从6月28号到7月10号讲述了众多机器学习主题。推荐来自DeepMind Shakir Mohamed博士讲述《贝叶斯推断》,125页ppt系统性讲述了贝叶斯推断基础知识和最新进展,非常干货。 Harvard ...
This book contains 106 geometry problems used in the AwesomeMath Summer Program to train and test top middle and high school students from the U.S. and around the world. Just as the camp offers both introductory and advanced courses, this book also builds up the material gradually.The authors...
Preschool math focuses on introducing young children to fundamental mathematical concepts in a playful and hands-on manner. The goal is to build a strong foundation for later mathematical learning by making math engaging, relatable, and fun. ...
At AwesomeMath, we provide all of the above through our summer camps, publications, enrichment programs, and Purple Comet ! Math Meet. In 2015, the AwesomeMath Summer Program will celebrate its 10 year anniversary of working with the world's brightest mathematical minds. Our summers camp...
OpSo Link OpSo provides information about various open-source programs like GSoC, Summer of Bitcoin, etc. Orientation Link An app for orientation week at Trinity College, University of Toronto. Saber Link The cross-platform open-source app built for handwriting sharezone-app Link Sharezone is ...