Papers about self-supervised learning on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). 实践 [Library] mmselfsup OpenMMLab Self-Supervised Learning Toolbox and Benchmark. [Library] unilm Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-training Across Tasks, Languages, and Modalities. [Library] albert A Lite BERT for Self-supervis...
[arXiv 2022] GraphTTA: Test Time Adaptation on Graph Neural Networks [paper] [WWW 2022] Confidence May Cheat: Self-Training on Graph Neural Networks under Distribution Shift [paper] [arXiv 2021] Graph Self-Supervised Learning: A Survey [paper] [ICML 2021] From Local Structures to Size Gener...
Learning Latent Representations in Neural Networks for Clustering through Pseudo Supervision and Graph-based Activity Regularization.[pdf][code] Ozsel Kilinc and Ismail Uysal.ICLR 2018 Improvements to context based self-supervised learning.[pdf]
SelfDoc: Self-Supervised Document Representation Learning. CVPR 2021[paper] Deep Bidirectional Language-Knowledge Graph Pretraining. NeurIPS 2022[paper][code] ERNIE: Enhanced Language Representation with Informative Entities. ACL 2019[paper][code] ...
- PreTraM: Self-Supervised Pre-training via Connecting Trajectory and Map. [arXiv][Code] Skeleton-Parted Graph Scattering Networks for 3D Human Motion Prediction. [arXiv][Code] Social-Implicit: Rethinking Trajectory Prediction Evaluation and The Effectiveness of Implicit Maximum Likelihood Estimatio. ...
ChemicalX A PyTorch based deep learning library for drug pair scoring. PyTorch Geometric Temporal Representation learning on dynamic graphs. Little Ball of Fur A graph sampling library for NetworkX with a Scikit-Learn like API. Karate Club An unsupervised machine learning extension library for NetworkX...
Knowledge Representation Learning: A Review Interstellar: Searching Recurrent Architecture for Knowledge Graph Embedding(NeurIPS 2020)[基于由三元组组成的关系路径(relational path)提出 Interstellar 模型,通过搜索一种递归神经网络,来处理关系路径中的短链、长链信息,达到根据不同任务,有针对性地对关系路径进行建模的目...
Awesome Courses Introduction There is a lot of hidden treasure lying within university pages scattered across the internet. This list is an
OSGraph: 提前感谢给项目点Star的小伙伴,接下来我们直接进入正文! 摘要 X-Stream是一个单机共享内存的既可以处理内存图也可以处理外存图的图处理系统。 特点: 以边为中心的计算模型。 流式访问无序边,而不是随机访问。
igraph - General purpose graph library Warp-CTC - A fast parallel implementation of Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC), on both CPU and GPU. CNTK - The Computational Network Toolkit (CNTK) by Microsoft Research, is a unified deep-learning toolkit that describes neural networks as a series...