Summertime Saga is a well-known adult-themed visual novel that has garnered a large fanbase. Set in a small town, the game follows the life of a young man navigating the complexities of adulthood, relationships, and mystery. The game includes explicit content, making it suitable only for mat...
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Now he’s trapped on a ship bound for the center of the solar system. To his left is a grief-stricken soldier, obsessed by whispered messages from a dead son. To his right is a pilot who hasn’t yet found the man she's sworn to kill on sight. A vampire and its entourage of zom...
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sitting with your grandma at the piano and her teaching you how to play chopsticks for the first time Reply Elizabeth January 4, 2011 at 8:11 am I have to do that with my dad. XD Not awesome… ¬_¬ Reply Jamie Finkleberg October 13, 2014 at 1:00 pm Elizabeth long, be chan...
Many times I remember how she was sitting on the edge of her bed and I was helping her get into bed for the night. She leaned over and kissed my arm and mouthed “I love you” because she couldn’t speak or write anymore. I told her I’d be back in the morning. And that’s ...
Many times I remember how she was sitting on the edge of her bed and I was helping her get into bed for the night. She leaned over and kissed my arm and mouthed “I love you” because she couldn’t speak or write anymore. I told her I’d be back in the morning. And that’s ...
Charge customers based on thetype of post(for example, a job post might cost more than a free-stuff listing) If you go with a dating site, you could limit a user’s ability to read and send messages without a membership (otherwise known aspaywalling) ...
I’ll never forget walking around Greenwich Village with our friend Melanie as she pointed out her old haunts. While it has changed a lot over the years, it is still a place to feel like a local New Yorker. Home to the famous arch of Washington Square Park, this is where the cool pe...
When one of my readers first readDrops of Awesome: The You’re-More-Awesome-Than-You-Think Journal, she said she felt bad for me as I described my negative inner voice. She was sure her inner dialogue was much more positive than mine. ...