aweigh 英[ə'weɪ] 美[ə'weɪ] 释义 adj. (指锚)刚离开水面的 英英释义 Adjective 1. (used of an anchor) hanging clear of the bottom; "anchorsaweigh" 2. of an anchor; just clear of the bottom 行业词典 体育 刚离开水底
aweigh [英[ə'weɪ]美[ə'weɪ]] aweigh的意思、解释 adj.(指锚)刚离开水面的 网络离开海底;离底;锚离底的;悬着的 更多
aweigh词源中文解释 “升起的,垂直的”(raised, perpendicular),1620年代,航海用语,来自 a-(1)+ weigh。 aweigh_体育行业词汇 刚离开水底 aweigh词源英文解释 The first known use of aweigh was in 1606 aweigh 例句 1."We are aweigh and stowed, Sir; every thing clear," said Mr. Luff, after ...
aweigh/ə'weɪ//ə'we/ 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 adj.( )刚离开水 的 近义、反义、联想词 近词 adj. up,free 反词 n. down,unfree 词 anchor;anchoring系泊;buoy浮标;aloft在高处; 用户正在搜索 amidolysis,amidomethylation,amidomycin,amidomyelin,amidon,amidone,amidonitrogen,amidopurine,amido...
相似单词 aweighad. 离开海底 Weabbr. 1.Weber number 韦伯数 wepron. 1. 我们,咱们 2. 人们 3. 朕,寡人(指皇帝、女王或教皇的自称) WEpron. 我们 welterweightn. 轻中量级选手 jewelweedn. 凤仙花之一种 weeween. 撒尿 vi. 撒尿 flowerern. 开花植物 ...
aweigh/ əˈweɪ / 📖毕业后词汇叹为观止叹息敬畏叹气 aweigh的定义 adj.形容词adjective Nautical. just free of the bottom; atrip:Anchors aweigh! 更多aweigh例句 Seven years earlier, when he made AnchorsAweighwith Gene Kelly, he received $150,000. ...
谷歌词典 collocation Wordnet Google English Collins- Hide/Show Examplesaweigh[əˈwei] [əˈwe] Similar words: weigh | aweigh | adjective: 【海】(起锚时锚)刚离开水底的Free Collocation Download This site is supported by ...
单词助记 鼠标悬停查看成分解释 aweigh 英[ə'wei] 考点解读 托福 雅思 aweigh 常考释义 adv. 离开海底;adj. (锚)刚离开海底的 单词详解 英汉双解 adj. 刚离开水底的【海】 以上图片仅供学习交流使用,版权归原作者所有,如有侵权,请与我方联系