The game also contains heavy flashing lights. Don't suggest playing if you suffer from epilepsy. Viewer discretion advised. 系统需求 最低配置: 操作系统: 64-bit processor + operating system 处理器: intel 3-3220 内存: 2 GB RAM 显卡: GT 430 DirectX 版本: 8.0 存储空间: 需要2 GB 可用空间...
“Devs have this to say: The game contains violence, blood, and dark scenes. All on rare occasion. The game also contains heavy flashing lights. Don't suggest playing if you suffer from epilepsy. Viewer discretion advised.” 点击下方的“查看页面”按钮即表示您确认自己已至少年满 18 周岁。 查...
Away From Home There are currently no available deals GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Latest on Away From Home ,Sign In to follow. FollowAway From Home, and we'll let you know when we have any news, trailers, or screenshots. ...
Game City Shopping Mall5.06公里 River Walk4.33公里 Airport Junction5.27公里 The Fields Shopping Centre782 米 Westgate Mall1.75公里 KB Mall1.29公里 Gwest Spar2.21公里 Station Mall1.62公里 African Mall1.95公里 Nyerere Drive1.6公里 Middle Star Mall1.59公里 ...
视角:上帝视角 版本:发行版本 游戏本体 模式:单人 主题:神秘,幻想,科幻 引擎:GameMaker Studio 远方的家 点击播放 远方的家 视频 ※ 游戏本体和游戏图像的版权归游戏制作方所属 Steam ¥70.00 Far Away From Home 是一款剧情导向的战术 RPG 游戏。在一次科学实验上发生的神秘事件后,西蒙和他的朋友最初认为自己迷...
The meaning of AWAY FROM HOME is not at one's house. How to use away from home in a sentence.
视角:上帝视角 版本:发行版本 游戏本体 模式:单人 主题:神秘,幻想,科幻 引擎:GameMaker Studio 远方的家 点击播放 远方的家 视频 ※ 游戏本体和游戏图像的版权归游戏制作方所属 Steam ¥70.00 Far Away From Home 是一款剧情导向的战术 RPG 游戏。在一次科学实验上发生的神秘事件后,西蒙和他的朋友最初认为自己迷...
Game Mall of Africa723 米 Waterfall Corner2.22公里 Vodacom World4.76公里 China Town Mall, Midrand2.72公里 Kyalami On Main Shopping Centre3.08公里 Olive Grove Junction (Vorna Valley Shopping Centre)949 米 Waterfall Centre1.18公里 The Pond Shopping Centre1.76公里 ...
欧美不朽经典《The Waiting Game》,音响店试音必备金曲 03:15 法语经典情歌《Amour secrêt》温柔浪漫的旋律,听一遍就爱上了 03:33 北欧战歌《Valhalla Calling》前奏一响就满满的压迫感,太震撼了 03:45 欧美金曲《When you told me you loved me》声嘶力竭,直击人心 03:50 史诗级不朽名曲《When A Child...
home away from home- a place where you are just as comfortable and content as if you were home home from home home,place- where you live at a particular time; "deliver the package to my home"; "he doesn't have a home to go to"; "your place or mine?" ...