in 27 countries assessing the awareness, understanding, attitudes and behavior of patients with regard to cardiometabolic risk factors and their link to Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.This year's joint undertaking of the Heart Foundation of the Philippines, Department of Health (DoH), World ...
KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT OF CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE USING THE FILIPINO CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE QUESTIONNAIRE VERSION II, CARARAYAN NAGA CITY BICOL PHILIPPINES The researcher intends to identify these dilemmas in awareness of coronary artery disease at the community level to improve morbidity and mortality rates...
Integrating the Thyromobile project in the Philippines as part of our access initiatives to strengthen health systems in low- and middle-income countries. The mobile unit brings essential equipment and personnel to specific communities to provide public information and healthcare services to pati...
She’s also an embezzler in the Philippines and a lot of her relatives brought evidences. Now I am announcing that embezzlement on Fb. As for the spineless coward, the wife said that he had relationships with their maids, his clients as a banker, and his tellers. Loading... Reply ...
She’s also an embezzler in the Philippines and a lot of her relatives brought evidences. Now I am announcing that embezzlement on Fb. As for the spineless coward, the wife said that he had relationships with their maids, his clients as a banker, and his tellers. Loading... Reply ...
This report revealed that globally, up to 13 million deaths could be averted annually through better environmental management and in some countries over 30% of the disease burden could be prevented. The WHO estimate of the burden of disease due to air pollution puts premature deaths attributed to...
International Anti-GMO Groups If you're looking for other like-minded individuals with whom you can volunteer to raise awareness about GMOs in your country, the following list represents various Facebook pages that have been set up to help people connect
She’s also an embezzler in the Philippines and a lot of her relatives brought evidences. Now I am announcing that embezzlement on Fb. As for the spineless coward, the wife said that he had relationships with their maids, his clients as a banker, and his tellers. Loading... Reply ...
cardiovascular diseasepathophysiological pathwaydeveloping countriesThe Air Pollution (AP) situation in Vietnam and the Philippines has deteriorated in recent years. During this time period, mortality rates from Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) have remained in the top ten of all causes of deaths. The ...
This report revealed that globally, up to 13 million deaths could be averted annually through better environmental management and in some countries over 30% of the disease burden could be prevented. The WHO estimate of the burden of disease due to air pollution puts premature deaths attributed to...