September focuses on the challenges associated with pain and chronic pain during National Pain Awareness Month.
National Immunization Awareness Month is in August to spread awareness on the importance of immunization. It's also the beginning of back-to-school preparations and a good time to make sure your children are properly vaccinated before they head back to s
Register for this free webinar to gain insights into statistical data strategies for ophthalmology clinical trials and learn best practices for establishing and reporting ophthalmic data. How To Observe Glaucoma Awareness Month 2024 Celebrating Glaucoma Awareness Month is simpler than you might think. The...
A clinical pharmacist discusses his work in the mental health space while stressing the importance of advocating for and checking in with one another’s emotional well-being. For Mental Health Awareness month, Pharmacy Times interviewed Kishen Patel, PharmD, CSP, BCMTMS, clinical pharma...
the donor undergoes further evaluation and preparation before the donation process. This typically involves comprehensive medical assessments to ensure the donor’s overall health and suitability for the donation procedure. National Marrow Awareness Month stands as a platform for advocacy, inviting healthy...
And happy hands make for happy and healthy homes. It helps prevent the spread of germs Think of how many different things we touch during the course of an average day. Now imagine how many of those things were touched by other people's hands. Yuck! Wash your hands to prevent the spread...
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and if I could make any change, I would really like to see the disability employment gap close. Right now, the unemployment rate for disabled Americans is about twice that of our nondisabled peers, and the unemployment rate for disabled...
Although the number of days and months celebrated, or in some fashion marked, each year around the globe may seem inordinate and sometimes downright silly (May, for instance, is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month as well as Older Americans Month,1 even if older is a rather vague term...
November is National Family Caregivers Month. While caregivers can use support all year long, this is a great time to step up efforts and let the caregivers in your life know that you appreciate them. If you are looking for inspiration, don’t miss the airing of Wine, Women, & Dementia ...
A columnist shares tips and activities for this annual observanceby Marisa Zeppieri | May 15, 2024 It’s that time of the year again, when we “lupies,”“spoonies,” or whatever you want to call us come out waving our purple banners. May is a special month for raising awareness about...