协同变革,激活未来,艾菲携手行业伙伴,碰撞多元思维,洞察行业趋势,打造营销界“达沃斯”。 以兼得的力量持续创造品牌价值 许有杰 宝洁大中华区首席可持续发展官、传播与公 janus15 20:18 0 2024艾菲年度盛典全景回顾:激活未来,载誉出发! janus15 12月13日,“协同变革,激活未来”2024艾菲年度盛典在北京圆满闭幕...
Effie Europe has been honouring the most effective marketing ideas in Europe since 1996. Our mission is to lead, inspire and champion the practice and practitioners of European marketing effectiveness. We stand for effectiveness in marketing, spotlighting ideas that work and encouraging thoughtful ...
艾菲户外&场景营销奖是大中华区艾菲于2024年设立的全新奖项,旨在推动户外&场景营销领域的创新发展。在此正式官宣沃捷集团成为艾菲户外&场景营销奖的特别合作伙伴!大中华区艾菲将在2025年持续携手沃捷集团,共同聚焦户外和场景营销的创新与发展。 艾菲户外&场景营销奖以艾菲四大支柱为基准,聚焦户外和场景营销创新发展,表彰品...
艾菲户外&场景营销奖(Effie Outdoor & Scenario Marketing Awards,简称EOSA) 是大中华区艾菲奖成立的全新奖项,本奖项的设立源于对户外&场景营销行业未来的深刻洞察,表彰品牌、户外媒体、媒介、代理和创意机构的案例和个人,旨在推动户外场景营销的创新和发展。艾菲户外&场景营销奖以艾菲四大支柱为基准,聚焦户外场景营销创...
本吧热帖: 1-精准对接,出海进化|2024艾菲全球化营销奖理事会成功举办! 2-以场景赋能品牌价值!2024艾菲户外&场景营销奖终审会成功举办! 3-破界品效话增长!艾菲CXO Forum精彩开讲 4-表彰公关实效成就,2025艾菲公关奖正式官宣! 5-引领汽车生态Next Leap,2024艾菲汽车
Click Here for Inspiration and Ideas Discover Our Most Popular Certification Awards for Employees. Shop Awards Acknowledge when your staff, members, or facilities achieve certification. Many organizations require specific certifications that must be acquired, maintained, or developed for future work. Whethe...
"I am deeply touched and moved," former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, an honoree of the medal, told Xinhua, noting that in the past decades he has worked to promote the friendship between French and Chinese peoples, and is "sincerely pleased" that this work is recognized by ...
The article offers information on the event "Employee Recognition Evening" which the Mildura Rural City Council in Victoria holds every two years to recognize council staff for their hard work. It highlights the council's third event in September 2011 which included a two course meal and live en...
Work with talented, professional Social media page designers to turn your ideas into reality. 4 winners Select your favorite custom Social media page (Or two! Or three!). And the design is all yours. How do you screen for designer quality? What if I don’t like my ...