TheFirst Fandom Posthumous Hall of Fame Award(est. 1994) is presented to honor the accomplishments of a worthy member of the SF community who did not receive that recognition during their lifetime. Geri Sullivan announced the selections ofBob Shaw, James White and Walt Willisto be inducted post...
Throughout his special day, Bruce’s commitment to social justice and global solidarity continued to shine as bright as ever. Congratulations Bruce on receiving this well-deserved recognition for your music, and thank you for growing a better world with us all these years! Photo credit: Patrick ...
One major hurdle was developing speech recognition and text-to-speech models for local languages, particularly Slovenian. Accurately capturing local dialects and pronunciations necessitated collecting diverse speech samples from native speakers, which facilitated effective model training. Continuous testing and...
Jason Isbell) is long overdue for some wider industry recognition. She dug even deeper into raw emotional territory and took sonic risks while still sounding entirely like herself onTake It Like a Man. The academy would be wise to acknowledge one of the genre’...
“This amazing recognition from our filmmaking peers exceeds our wildest expectations. The real power of this beautiful nomination is the bright light it shines on Arlo Washington and the Little Rock community he’s dedicated his life to lifting up.” ...
There is no doubt to us why Kotlin received this award: it’s a fast moving (but thoughtfully developed) programming language that lets you write better code, faster. It’s great to see Kotlin continue to receive the sort of recognition as Breakout Project of the Year, building on other ...
“Apple’s iOS (iPhone and iPad) operating systems include many novel accessibility features, including speech recognition, screen reading, and support for gesturing by people who might be unable to see or use a touchscreen” (p. 76). If IT complains about time and cost, “retrofitting” ...
Since 2013, this blog has received awards and recognition from many brands. I’ve been blessed with awards such as these ones: At the Singapore Blog Awards 2013 Absolutely didn’t know then that I was receiving my award from the future PM of Singapore! (@_@) ...
Kurzweil is a best selling author, futurist, computer scientist and inventor. He is credited as a principal innovator of omni-font optical character recognition, text to speech synthesis and speech recognition technology. He founded Kurzweil Music Systems in 1982 and in 1984 introduced theKurzweil K...
There are few characters in rap that can match up to the onslaught of absurdity that's become standard fare for Tyler, The Creator. The Cali native, who first got recognition from his beef with hip-hop outlets, parlayed that buzz, along with a load of abstract music with rebellious overton...