you can also request the letter by telephone. Your award letter provides proof of your SSI if you need it when applying for an apartment or a home loan, or for some other reason.
you qualify for “Extra Help,” such asanaward letterfromthe Social Security Administration as proof that the [...] 有關您有資格獲得「額外協助」的其他證據包括社會安全局的授予信,作為此人具有社會安全生 活補助金(SSI) 的證明 ...
Letter to the Editor: The John Insall Award: No Functional Benefit After Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty Performed With Patient-specific Instrumentation... Background Component alignment can influence implant longevity as well as perhaps pain and function after unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA),...
Canada by letter dated 2 /I.-larch I998 pursUJilt to the Tnlmna!"s rcq uest. that tile G01 crnment of :Vk\lCO had been mfomlCd of C<1 nada ·s JUnsdJCtional objections as e:ul;. as 3 December 19')7 and that on II December 1997 CanJd1an G01 crnment rcprcscntati1 cs...
1965: John le Carré. THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD 1964: Eric Ambler. THE LIGHT OF DAY 1963: Ellis Peters. DEATH AND THE JOYFUL WOMAN 1962: J. J. Marric. GIDEON’S FIRE 1961: Julian Symons. THE PROGRESS OF A CRIME 1960: Celia Fremlin. THE HOURS BEFORE DAWN ...
1945 V-Letter and Other Poems Karl Shapiro 1946 no award 1947 Lord Weary's Castle Robert Lowell 1948 The Age of Anxiety: A Baroque Eclogue W.H. Auden 1949 Terror and Decorum: Poems, 1940–1948 Peter Viereck 1950 Annie Allen Gwendolyn Brooks 1951 Complete Poems Carl Sandburg 1952...