Award Presentation Ceremony for Staff Achievements 員工傑出成就頒獎典禮 Awards under 2008 Special Departmental Staff Suggestions Scheme on Enhancement of Work Efficiency 2008年房屋署職員建議書 「提升工作效率」特別計劃獎項 Name/Rank Category of Award 1 Mr. LAM Wai-sing, HO 房屋事務主任 偉勝先生...
Cockburn was in a bit of a reflective mood Sunday evening at the National Music Centre, where he participated in the plaque ceremony held in honour of his2017 induction into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame. It found him placing his plaque on the wall, which already holds the names of...
These events included the presentation ceremonies, the introduction of the awardee, and a panel discussion involving questions and reminiscing about the awardee's career. A special flavor to the ceremony was derived by the presentation of a scroll signed by many of his polymer friends in Japan ...
By the 21st century, however, the increasing importance placed by the entertainment industry on awards of all kinds had conferred an air ofprestigeon the long-running Golden Globes. The Golden Globes for film were observed closely asprecursorsto the Oscars, and the ceremony was frequently among ...
the shaw prize award presentation ceremonyThe Shaw Prize, an international recognition of remarkable scientific achievements based in Hong Kong, celebrated its momentous 20th anniversary with a grand ceremony at the Grand Hall of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Cent... The Shaw Prize 2023 ...
施俊輝副局長(教育局副局長)、中聯辦教科部陳志祿副處長、張澤松博士、鄧飛議員、黃錦良校長(黃楚標學校校長)、各位嘉賓、各位老師、各位同學: 大家好!歡迎大家出席今天的「新地齊讀好書 x 未來工程師大賽」頒獎禮。首先我要恭喜所有得獎同學及老師!你們在比賽期間,
三十 優 服務獎 30 Years’ Meritorious Service Certificate 1. Name Mr. CHAN Sin-chun 陳善進先生 Rank Chief Technical Officer (Building Works) 總技術主任 建築工程 Housing Manager 房屋事務經 Senior Building Services Inspector 高級屋宇裝備督察 Senior Clerk of Works 高級工程監督 Senior Clerk of Works ...
On the afternoon of February 27, 2017, the “Award Presentation Ceremony of the Outstanding Staff 2016” was held in the multifunction conference room of the Company. Leaders who attended the ceremony included: Mr. Qiu Xiya, General Manager of the Company, Mr. Liao Jianlin, Head of the HR...
and theKingston Trio. The number of awards has increased asmusicalgenres have emerged. Rock was first recognized as agenreby the academy at the 1980 ceremony andrapat the 1989 presentation. An award for best music video was first handed out in 1982 to acknowledge the growing influence of the...