The Academy asked the actress to pose for a photo shoot with her trophy days before the ceremony, effectively spoiling her win. Shearer’s brother Douglas was the first-ever Oscar winner for sound during the same ceremony, making the Shearers the first-ever Oscar-winning siblings. Mary ...
Born November 30, 1955—Andy Robertson. A fan and editor who worked as an assistant editor onInterzoneand contributed myriad reviews and interviews. He published some fiction and edited two anthologies based on the works ofWilliam Hope Hodgson’s Night Lands, Volume 1: Eternal Love, featuring ta...
King Arthur Carousel still operates after more than 60 years. This particular carousel (and many of the horses) first appeared in Sunnyside Beach Park in 1922. Walt bought the carousel and replaced other animals (there were giraffes and deer as well as horses) with additional antique horses. T...
Willie’s investigations into the murder lead him into the world of homegrown terrorism, and he stumbles on partial plans for an attack. The only problem is that Willie and the police “don’t know what, when, or where, and the clock is ticking.” The bracing narrative is studded with w...