EIC是“Editor-in-Chief”的缩写,意为“主编”,是期刊编辑团队中的核心成员,负责监督期刊的内容质量和出版流程。下面是对“Awaiting Associate EIC Decision”这一状态的详细解析。 状态含义:当一篇论文的状态显示为“Awaiting Associate EIC Decision”时,意味着该论文已经经过了初步审查,并被认为具有潜在的出版价值,...
2、Awaiting AE assignement ——Editor-in-chief (EIC) chooses the associate editor (AE) responsible for the review process. (主编会选择一个副编辑对接下来的审稿流程负责,此人非常重要 ,他会在审稿人意见的基础上对文章作个综合评价后,给主编一个recommendation。一般主编都会按照AE的意见写最终的decision ...
awaiting ae assignment awaiting eic decision Awaiting AE Assignment: The process of publishing a research article in a reputable journal involves several steps, and one of these crucial steps is awaiting the assignment of an Associate Editor (AE) to handle the manuscript. This stage marks the ...
秘书会将稿件送主编(Editor-in-chief,EIC)进一步处理。Awaiting Admin Processing状态持续时间一般不会超...
Editor 应该是指associate editor,你的状态有很多种可能 1. 审稿意见冲突很大,EIC很难决定,准备仲裁 ...
1. Awaiting Admin Processing:稿件成功提交后的第一个阶段,期刊秘书会对稿件进行处理。如果有问题,秘书会立即拒绝;如果没有问题,秘书将把稿件提交给主编(Editor-in-chief, EIC)。这个阶段通常持续2-3个工作日。 2. Awaiting SE Assignment:当稿件经过EIC处理后,如果需要,EIC会把稿件分配给资深编辑Senior Editor (...
(EiC) makes the final decision on manuscript, with the associate editor (AE) making the initial decision. However, the final decision may not be only that of an acceptance or a rejection. They may sometimes ask you to submit to a sister (related) journal instead (in case it’s a big ...
是 associate editor 的意思?那 Awaiting EIC Decision 又是什么意思啊?...editor in chief ...
A sudden change of status could also mean that the Associate Editor is facing challenges in finding suitable peer reviewers and hence waiting for the opinion of Editor-in-Chief (EIC). We would suggest you to wait for the next status update. The EIC may ...
投稿过程中的常见缩写EIC:Editors in Chief,期刊主编,掌握稿件最终决定权。AE:Associate Editors,副编辑,负责在评审意见的基础上对文章作综合评价,并给主编提建议(recommendation)。一般主编都会按照AE的建议写最终的编辑意见(Decision Letter)。ADM:Administrator,相当于编辑部的执行编辑(Managing Editor 分享回复赞 博士...