If a raw message containing pong is not received by the server before the next ping interval, the connection will be severed, disconnected, and removed from the WebsocketServer. This interval time is hard-coded to 120 seconds. Disconnect a Connection To disconnect a connection from the server,...
ws.onclose=function(event) {console.info('disconnected with server')lethandlers = registry['Close'] connected =falseif(handlers) { handlers.forEach(function(handler) {handler(event) }) } }functionon(event, handler) {/** * handler is callable(msg) *@type{*|Set<any>} */lethandlers = r...
Having a client side async http request and using server side side async code to process the incoming http request is just unrelated ie you could have all 4 combinations if you really want what being done on one side having no effect at all on which options is used on the other side....
An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine An instance of the service is a...
publicenumSocketError:LocalizedError{caseblockedcasedisconnectedcaseunsupportedAddresscasefailed(type:String,errno:Int32,message:String)} When data is unavailable for a socket and theEWOULDBLOCKerrno is returned, thenSocketError.blockedis thrown. AsyncSocketsimply wraps aSocketand provides an async interface...
_this.handleSekiroRequest(event.data) }); this.socket.onopen(function (event) { console.log('sekiro: open a sekiro client connection') }); this.socket.onclose(function (event) { console.log('sekiro: disconnected ,reconnection after 2s'); ...
这里我们使用了一个名为ajax_load的函数,你可以把它当成XMLHttpRequest,或者jQuery的ajax。 问题是,目前没有一个ajax_load可以同步执行(我们先不考虑性能要求),所以可实现的方案(利用回调)必然是: functionmain(){if(browser==='ie'){ajax_load('/scripts/ie_patch.js',on_success=function(response){if(lang...
If a raw message containing pong is not received by the server before the next ping interval, the connection will be severed, disconnected, and removed from the WebsocketServer. This interval time is hard-coded to 120 seconds. Disconnect a Connection To disconnect a connection from the server,...
_this.handleSekiroRequest(event.data) }); this.socket.onopen(function (event) { console.log('sekiro: open a sekiro client connection') }); this.socket.onclose(function (event) { console.log('sekiro: disconnected ,reconnection after 2s'); ...
C# how to tell if Excel cell is formatted as a date C# how to use different timer with different intervals, but start and stop them at the same time C# How to use HttpClient await client.PostAsync to return string C# Httpclient how to avoid CSRF verification failed. Request aborted error...