Even if the mysterious first two steps fail, the third always succeeds. The other parts of the code generation require that the awaiter implement methods namedawait_ready,await_suspend, andawait_resume. If any of them is missing, the compiler will generate a corresponding message. And ifall o...
await_ready返回false说明要暂停当前协程。 await_suspend里面返回void表示直接返回到caller,注意是调用协程的caller。通常是最近一个恢复协程执行,调用handle.resume()的地方。如果需要把控制权交给其他协程,那么可以返回其他协程对应的handle。 而await_resume则是用来将值返回给co_await要赋值的变量,也可以没有返回值,即...
自定义等待器的接口要求包括以下成员函数: bool await_ready() const:判断等待是否已经完成,如果已完成则返回true,否则返回false。 void await_suspend(coroutine_handle<>):挂起协程,等待操作完成。该函数接受一个coroutine_handle参数,用于表示当前协程的句柄。 T await_resume():获取等待操作的结果。T是操作的返回类...
classSleep{public:Sleep(int64_tms);Sleep(conststd::chrono::seconds&second);Sleep(conststd::chrono::milliseconds&ms);//以上几个构造函数都是将当前的 毫秒数+要等待的毫秒数 赋值到成员 m_waitUntilboolawait_ready();voidawait_resume();voidawait_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<>handle){SleepScheduler:...
// suspend.cppawait<int>invokeService(){autowait =await<int>([](suspend::suspendHandler handle,int*p) {// *p = 2025;// handle.resume();int*ptr = p; std::thread([handle, ptr]()mutable{ *ptr =2023; std::cout <<"sleep 2 seconds \n"; ...
Async-ready producer/consumer structuresTPL Dataflow or AsyncCollection<T> The first problem is task creation. Obviously, an async method can create a task, and that’s the easiest option. If you need to run code on the thread pool, use Task.Run. If you want to create a ta...
Async-ready producer/consumer structures TPL Dataflow or AsyncCollection<T> The first problem is task creation. Obviously, an async method can create a task, and that’s the easiest option. If you need to run code on the thread pool, use Task.Run. If you want to create a task wrapper ...
The traditional way of supportingco_awaitis to implement the trio of methodsawait_ready,await_suspend, andawait_resume. But another way is todefine theco_awaitoperatorso it returns an awaiter. We implement our customco_awaitoperator by propagating the awaiter returned byresume_on_signal. Basical...