ReferenceError: await is not defined错误通常发生在JavaScript环境中,当你尝试在不支持await关键字的上下文中使用它时。await关键字是ES2017(ES8)引入的,用于等待一个Promise的解决(resolve)或拒绝(reject),并且只能在async函数内部使用。如果尝试在非async函数中使用await,或者在不支持ES2017及以上版本的JavaScript环境中...
此时重新编译会发现控制台报错:Function(...) is not a function,这是因为regenerator-runtime文件被修改了,加了一个 Function函数导致小程序运行报错,此时需要进行以下操作: 1.将varregeneratorRuntime= (function (exports) {"use strict";... 中的regeneratorRuntime改为runtime; 2.将文件最后一个try {regener...
// window.await is NOT defineddefine(['await'],function(await){ ... }) Old browser note You'll need some polyfill or Modernizr goodness to use it in browsers that don't support JavaScript 1.8.5. (e.g. IE8 and lower). To that end, example-polyfills.js is included in the git rep...
// window.await is defined Browsers (AMD/RequireJS): // window.await is NOT defined define(['await'], function(await){ ... }) Old browser note You'll need some polyfill or Modernizr goodness to use it in browsers that don't support JavaScript 1.8.5. (e.g. IE8 and lower). T...
在vue 项目中使用async/await处理并行多个异步,因为项目中没有使用transform-runtime将es6+转换成es5。 解决方案 安装@babel/plugin-transform-runtime: npm i @babel/plugin-transform-runtime -D 配置.babelrc文件: { "plugins":[ [ "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime" ...
load script [./SimpleCommand] failed : ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined版本2.0.0原因在js类cc.Class中使用了await/async语法async execute(notification){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ resolve(true); }); } 解决方法
问题: regeneratorRuntime is not defined 背景 vue + webpack 使用async + await时报错 使用场景 在vue项目中使用 async await处理并行多个异步,是因为项目中没有使用transform-runtime将es6+转换成es5 image.png 解决 安装: npm i @babel/plugin-transform-runtime -D ...
Describe the bug Since 8.0.0--alpha.13 there is an error in console. The problem still exists in the latest 8.0.0--beta.0 version. Error message: Warning: async/await is not yet supported in Client Components, only Server Components. Thi...
Describe the bug I am having an issue where if I try to use async/await to make an API request, the catch in the try/catch is not passed the error. If I switch to using the .then/.catch syntax, it does work. I've tried all sorts of combi...
load script [./SimpleCommand] failed : ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined版本2.0.0原因在js类cc.Class中使用了await/async语法async execute(notification){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ resolve(true); }); } 解决方法