var response = await httpClient.PostAsync(url, content); if I replace it with:复制 var response = httpClient.PostAsync(url, content).Result; then the crash does not happen. What am I missing ?App.xaml.cs复制 protected override async void OnStart() { // Handle when your app starts ...
{"ucode", ucode} });stringuri ="";varresponse =client.PostAsync(uri, httpContent).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;returnresponse; }//最终解决方案stringGetUserInfo2(stringucode) { HttpClient client=newHttpClient();varhttpContent =newFormUrlEncodedContent(n...
Client.PostAsync(Uri,content) throws 500 internal server error Close button on the Form not working Close console app if ESC is pressed Close or hide a form from another form, C# Close program with key esc Closing a command prompt window using C# closing a file handle after a File.Copy c...
11 var httpContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary<string, string>() 12 { 13 {"ucode", ucode} 14 }); 15 string uri = ""; 16 var response = await client.PostAsync(uri, httpContent); 17 return response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; 18 ...
};varcontent =newFormUrlEncodedContent(headers); HttpResponseMessage response =awaitclient.PostAsync("", content); Console.ReadLine(); } } } 两个系统..NET的反应性扩展和新的C#5.0(.NET 4.5)async/await追求(或基于)未来和承诺构造范式(方法). ...
使用await client.GetAsync(url)发起异步GET请求,其中url是目标资源的地址。 等待请求完成,并捕获HttpResponseMessage对象,该对象包含服务器的响应。 调用response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()确保请求成功(即HTTP状态码在200-299范围内)。 使用await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()异步读取响应内容。 输出响应内容到控...
FormUrlEncodedContent(newDictionary<string,string>()12{13{"ucode", ucode}14});15stringuri ="";//client.PostAsync在其内部开辟新线程(设为B)异步执行,注意await并不会阻塞当前线程,而是将控制权返回方法调用方,这里是Index Action16var response = await client.PostAsync(...
public static async Task Upload(HttpClientHandler handler, string parmInFileContent, string fileName) { using (var client = new HttpClient(handler)) { using (var content = new StringContent(parmInFileContent, Encoding.UTF8, "text/csv")) { using ( var message = await client.PostAsync(_API_...
public async Task<string> sendWithHttpClient(string requestUrl, string json) { try { Uri requestUri = new Uri(requestUrl); using (var client = new HttpClient()) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Clear(); ...//adding things to header and creating requestcontent var response = await client.Pos...
(); 11varhttpContent=newFormUrlEncodedContent(newDictionary() 12{ 13{"ucode",ucode} 14}); 15stringuri="http://.xxxx/user/get"; 16varresponse=awaitclient.PostAsync(uri,httpContent); 17returnresponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; 18} 上述代码是对真实案例的简化,即通过第三方OPenAPI获取...