官方说明书Panasonic AW-RP50N 说明书.pdf,Panasonic AW-RP50N Manual /file/2709880 From ManualL ManualL collects and classifies the global product instrunction manuals to help users access anytime and anywhere, helping users make better use of products. Hom
内容提示: Panasonic AW-RP50N Manualhttp://www.manuallib.com/file/2709880From ManualLib.comManualLib.com collects and classifies the global product instrunction manuals to help users access anytime and anywhere, helping users make better use of products.Home: http://www.manuallib.com/ Chinese:...
PanasonicAW-RP50NManual http://.manuallib/file/2709880 FromManualLib ManualLibcollectsandclassifiestheglobalproduct instrunctionmanualstohelpusersaccessanytimeand anywhere,helpingusersmakebetteruseofproducts. Home:http://.manuallib/Chinese:http://.shuomingshuku/ ...
AWRP50N User Guide Page 35 ...; The power of the remote camera has not been turned on. (1, 2) The remote camera is now on . 3: This is "Off" when the AW-PH400 is other AW-RP50 remote camera controllers have already been connected. Blinking (orange) It is now...