摘要: 鹰嘴豆也叫桃尔豆,鸡心豆,不同品种的颜色和质地都有所不同,有"豆中之王"的美称.鹰嘴豆富含叶酸,钾,镁,磷,锌,铜和维生素B1,还含有一定数量的烟酸,维生素B6,泛酸,钙和纤维.常吃鹰嘴豆能使女性老化细胞顺利地吸附并排出体外,能推迟细胞的老化周期.同时,还可以让人的心情保持愉悦.关键词:...
[Also in Group XX] A table for use in plotting the positions of an aircraft, marker buoys dropped therefrom and the probable position of a submarine which the aircraft is seeking is in the form of a screen on which images are projected by a series of optical projectors. A circle centred...