We have assessed the incidence, symptoms and risk factors of amniotic fluid embolism in the Netherlands. Data were retrieved from two nationwide registrati... KH Stolk,JJ Zwart,J Schutte,... - 《Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik...
Objective To compare the effect of parenteral nutrition and enteral nutrition with different start time on acute pancreatitic patients.Methods Randomized controlled trials comparing enteral and parenteral nutrition in acute pancreatitic patients published from January 1996 to January 2011 were searched in ME...
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教学比武促成长 为了促进青年教师的专业成长,6月6日、7日两天,实验一小开展了岗位大练兵--青年教师课堂比武活动。 教研促成长 6月6日,实验一小40岁以下的青年教师齐聚录播室,举行了“青年教师大比武”启动仪式,在仪式上一小教科室主任金瑶对此次...
爱之于我,不是肌肤之亲,不是一蔬一饭。它是一种不死的欲望,是疲惫生活中的英雄梦想。 ——杜拉斯 又到了桃花三月 母胎solo的小编心中也开始泛起涟漪 走在武大的樱花大道上 多么希望有个男朋友一起赏花! 可是现在的你是不是也是这种状态: “想谈恋爱又不知道跟...
Classical approaches for estimating optical flow have achieved rapid progress in the last decade. However, most of them are too slow to be applied in real-time video analysis. Due to the great success of deep learning, recent work has focused on using CNNs to solve such dense prediction prob...
目的 评价连续性血液净化治疗(continuous blood purification therapy,CBPT)在多脏器功能障碍综合征(MODS)治疗中的疗效和安全性.方法 33例各种病因下造成的多脏器功能障碍综合征,采用连续性静脉-静脉血液滤过模式,每例平均治疗(3.0±2.1)d,监测患者治疗前后肝肾功能,电解质,血气分析等项目,对临床资料作回顾分析.结果 33...
Optimal design of an activated carbon for an adsorbed natural gas storage system The Dubinin鈥揂stakhov equation was used to determine the influence of the microporous characteristics of activated carbon on the performances of both char... S. Biloé and V. Goetz and A. Guillot - 《Carbon》 ...
摘要: 图表作文是中考英语写作中较为常见的题型之一,也是难度较大的一种写作题型.这类作文可综合提供题目,数据,图像,提纲,形式多样,但实际上只涉及5个方面:描述图表,指明寓意,分析原因,联系实际,给出建议,而每次考试只是从这5个方面的内容中选出3个进行考查.关键词:...
在高能机械研磨过程以及薄膜和多层复合材料中观察到了亚稳态FCC Ti.但已有文献报道的FCC Ti的点阵常数具有很大差异.采用两种方法研究了亚稳块状(粗晶)FCC Ti的点阵常数:(1)由稳定的含Ti二元FCC合金的试验数据直接外推;(2)二元FCC合金的第一性原理计算.由于大多试验数据来源于纳米尺度的Ti晶体,故在上述两种方法的...